Petrolhead changes his mind

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I'm still a petrolhead myself but currently in the process of swapping my Subaru STI for a Taycan 4S.
B'stard ;) Looked and test drove the Taycan a few years back and it is a lovely car, just couldn't quite make the finances work out.
B'stard ;) Looked and test drove the Taycan a few years back and it is a lovely car, just couldn't quite make the finances work out.

All I can say is that they have dropped hugely in price (not necessarily in value!) (2021 car). Won't be paying much more on finance than my Subaru - although it'll be extending the term significantly - but hopefully the reduced running costs will be a bonus!
I'm still a petrolhead myself but currently in the process of swapping my Subaru STI for a Taycan 4S.
That's the EV I would like (in the Turismo guise). Currently driving an ancient BMW 3 series touring (which I like a lot), but BMW's current EV offerings don't really inspire me.

Can't afford either so it's a bit moot, but I can dream.
Of course, the guy in the video hasn't actually changed his mind. From what he says, he views the EV as just a tool for work, his ICE for fun and he's got both. If we all did that, it would make the problem worse and put an even bigger strain on resources and the environment - it's not very environmentally friendly until he uses his EV for everything and gets rid of the ICE. Keeping a car on the road just for the sound it makes is a bit bl00dy weird, if you ask me...
If you want a Porsche then it needs the aircooled flat six 3.3, what a fun car to drive and without any complexity but will cost you more for a thirty year old motor than a brand new tayan. A lovely example here

The biggest insult to Ferdinand has to be the cayenne , likewise the E pace to Jaguar where both are not in the spirit of their founders.
If you want a Porsche then it needs the aircooled flat six 3.3, what a fun car to drive and without any complexity but will cost you more for a thirty year old motor than a brand new tayan. A lovely example here

The biggest insult to Ferdinand has to be the cayenne , likewise the E pace to Jaguar where both are not in the spirit of their founders.
That'll be petroleum spirit, presumably?
If we all did that, it would make the problem worse and put an even bigger strain on resources and the environment - it's not very environmentally friendly until he uses his EV for everything and gets rid of the ICE.
Or, depending how many miles you do, keep the old ICE running and forget all about the EV. Much better for the environment if running fewer miles.
Or, depending how many miles you do, keep the old ICE running and forget all about the EV. Much better for the environment if running fewer miles.
But in that chap's case, he's on the road all week for work, covering a very large area.
If you want a Porsche then it needs the aircooled flat six 3.3, what a fun car to drive and without any complexity but will cost you more for a thirty year old motor than a brand new tayan. A lovely example here

I test drove one of those back when they were amazingly affordable - but the unpredictable turbo-lag (combined with the 4 speed 'box) scared the bejeezuz out of me.

I had a 993 Carrera S in the past - also when they were relatively affordable, and I do regret parting with it. Was my favourite driver's car, I think. But life and circumstances are more important than the car. Even when the car is "life affirming" to drive.

We also currently have a 991.1 TurboS in the garage - main user is the Mrs. And our third car is an Evo 6. Petrol nirvana.

The biggest insult to Ferdinand has to be the cayenne ,

Either the Cayenne (although it did save Porsche) or the turgid birth of the Cayman - which was entirely developed by dull accountants rather than the engineers, and was artificially positioned in the model line-up and deliberately ham-strung against the 911 by the marketing department. Bleurgh. Just insulting

likewise the E pace to Jaguar where both are not in the spirit of their founders.

I just don't get it. When are people going to realise that electric cars are being pushed as it's an easy, low hanging fruit solution that will give people a nice warm fuzzy feeling because they are 'doing something'.
I'm not against them, and seriously considering one for my next car, but stating it's environmentally friendly is absurd.
I know it's not just a CO2 issue but in 2022 (according to government figures) transport in the Uk produced 113 MtCo2 of which 53% is due to cars and taxis.
So if we stopped (not turned them into electric just stopped them all that's the equivalent to just a 1% reduction of the CO2 produced by the USA for energy production alone! A 1% reduction would be easily achieved by some minor energy saving practices.

Much better off keeping your existing car (because of the huge amount of energy it takes to make the thing) stopping unnecessary journeys, car sharing, walking or cycling than saving a little bit of Petrol or diesel burn in an electric car that is never going to offset the emissions involved in producing the thing in the first place.

Just seems that there is never any joined up thinking, let's get rid of plastic carrier bags then every vegetable comes wrapped in plastic! lets ban plastic straws but ignore the millions of tonnes that is dumped daily.
I just don't get it. When are people going to realise that electric cars are being pushed as it's an easy, low hanging fruit solution that will give people a nice warm fuzzy feeling because they are 'doing something'.
I'm not against them, and seriously considering one for my next car, but stating it's environmentally friendly is absurd.
I know it's not just a CO2 issue but in 2022 (according to government figures) transport in the Uk produced 113 MtCo2 of which 53% is due to cars and taxis.
So if we stopped (not turned them into electric just stopped them all that's the equivalent to just a 1% reduction of the CO2 produced by the USA for energy production alone! A 1% reduction would be easily achieved by some minor energy saving practices.

Much better off keeping your existing car (because of the huge amount of energy it takes to make the thing) stopping unnecessary journeys, car sharing, walking or cycling than saving a little bit of Petrol or diesel burn in an electric car that is never going to offset the emissions involved in producing the thing in the first place.

Just seems that there is never any joined up thinking, let's get rid of plastic carrier bags then every vegetable comes wrapped in plastic! lets ban plastic straws but ignore the millions of tonnes that is dumped daily.
I'm not sure anyone is saying you should throw away your ICE car until it's worn out. What we are saying is that when that point comes, it makes more sense on every level to replace it with an EV, as an EV is more environmentally friendly that an ICE, even if far from perfect.

As for your arguments about walking, car sharing and public transport, as well as for less use of plastics, couldn't agree more.
I just don't get it. When are people going to realise that electric cars are being pushed as it's an easy, low hanging fruit solution that will give people a nice warm fuzzy feeling because they are 'doing something'.
I'm not against them, and seriously considering one for my next car, but stating it's environmentally friendly is absurd.
I know it's not just a CO2 issue but in 2022 (according to government figures) transport in the Uk produced 113 MtCo2 of which 53% is due to cars and taxis.
So if we stopped (not turned them into electric just stopped them all that's the equivalent to just a 1% reduction of the CO2 produced by the USA for energy production alone! A 1% reduction would be easily achieved by some minor energy saving practices.

Much better off keeping your existing car (because of the huge amount of energy it takes to make the thing) stopping unnecessary journeys, car sharing, walking or cycling than saving a little bit of Petrol or diesel burn in an electric car that is never going to offset the emissions involved in producing the thing in the first place.

Just seems that there is never any joined up thinking, let's get rid of plastic carrier bags then every vegetable comes wrapped in plastic! lets ban plastic straws but ignore the millions of tonnes that is dumped daily.
Whilst in part I agree that the current offering of just replacing one huge car with another huge EV car is not the best idea I do disagree that it isn't worth reducing emissions just because it isnt' that great compared to some other country. We should be doing this as well as other energy reduction initiatives.

For one thing there seems to be this thought that we can just keep on pumping oil out of the ground indefinitely and all will be well in the world. Take climate change out of the equation and you still have the same problem. Oil is finite! It will run out, there will be wars over it and there will be countries that keep it for themselves. using the last remaining oil reserves so we can drive to tesco's that is probably <1mile from our homes is a massive waste of resources and will ultimately be one of the things that will stop as fuel resources dwindle.

Lets be serious governments and energy companies only do things when they absolutely have to. Perhaps I'm wrong but it would seem to me that energy companies know that they can't keep doing what they are doing for much longer and that is why they are investing in alternative energy technologies. Eventually they will be the only way to get energy.

As for plastics, yes some covered veg is stupid but I can't remember the last time I saw a plastic bag in a tree. This was a very common sight before the bag ban. Most plastic is now returnable to stores for recycling and it is saving huge amounts of resources. Assuming Sainsburys isn't lying i saw an advert the other day where they had replaced the plastic trays for fish products and are saving 300tons of plastic a year. That is not inconsiderable as that is just one product.

As for cars, I used to love working on them. Heck I've got a Lotus 7 replica sitting on my drive that I built but I've got to the thinking that blasting around belching out exhaust gas isn't as fun as it used to be. I'd much rather get on my pedal bike these days, they are phenomenal machines
I just don't get it. When are people going to realise that electric cars are being pushed as it's an easy, low hanging fruit solution that will give people a nice warm fuzzy feeling because they are 'doing something'.
I'm not against them, and seriously considering one for my next car, but stating it's environmentally friendly is absurd.
I know it's not just a CO2 issue but in 2022 (according to government figures) transport in the Uk produced 113 MtCo2 of which 53% is due to cars and taxis.
So if we stopped (not turned them into electric just stopped them all that's the equivalent to just a 1% reduction of the CO2 produced by the USA for energy production alone! A 1% reduction would be easily achieved by some minor energy saving practices.

Much better off keeping your existing car (because of the huge amount of energy it takes to make the thing) stopping unnecessary journeys, car sharing, walking or cycling than saving a little bit of Petrol or diesel burn in an electric car that is never going to offset the emissions involved in producing the thing in the first place.

Just seems that there is never any joined up thinking, let's get rid of plastic carrier bags then every vegetable comes wrapped in plastic! lets ban plastic straws but ignore the millions of tonnes that is dumped daily.
Totally agree. I had to bin my Golf Mk5 TDI due to ULEZ. Bought it from new, did 3000 miles a year, mostly for long journeys, used to get 60 mpg at motorway speeds. I live in London which has a 24/7 transport system so the car could sit there for weeks without being used. What p****s me off is if my car wasn't good enough for London roads it shouldn't have been for anywhere in the country.