I have tried many face masks from inexpensive use and throw away types, to expensive replaceable cartridge types, and have not found one, that I feel comfortable with, glasses fogging being one of the most annoying problems, rebreathing hot breath and generally uncomfortable to use for long periods.
I have now used for a long time, a Jet AFS – 500 air filtration unit, for general air filtration and it runs all of the time I am in the workshop, plus an AWED 2 extractor/collection unit which I connect to various tools as required or an open ended 100mm hose close to the work being sanded or cut.
Both these units have induction motors, so a very long service life, and not over noisy.
I obtained both the above from Axminster Tools.
Disclaimer, I have no connection what so ever with Axminster, other than a very satisfied customer many times over (more times than I tell my long haired boss). :roll:
Take care.
Chris R.