230v 60hz ?????


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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Hi peeps

What will happen if I try and use a 230v 60htz USA motor over here :lol:

Will it go or will it go BANG FLASH KAPOP 8)

:duno: :mrgreen:
As well as running slower the motor will run hotter, as 60 Hz motors have less metal in the electromagnetic bits and pieces. This may not be a problem if the machine is lightly loaded and/or only used at full load for brief spells. Motor casings should not generally get hotter that 100 deg C or thereabouts.
Voltage wise it won't be a problem. We run 230v in the UK - we changed from 240v a few years back.
If you look at the label on the machine you might well find that it's designated 50-60Hz in which case it will run fine.
Whether a specific 60Hz machine will run perfectly at 50Hz will only be known by trying it.

We haven't changed the voltage they changes the tolerance so 240V would be within the limits, if they change the voltage it would mean replacing all the transformers in the national grid.

Blister":2wf9jo3e said:
What will happen if I try and use a 230v 60htz USA motor over here
Blister I've been running my Unisaw without a problem for quite a few years and cyclone more recently, both imported from the US.
You won't have a problem.
IIRC Blister's Unisaw motor was swapped out for a more powerful british standard motor.

But I believe he bought the old motor too.... ;)
uk used to operate 240v +/- 6%. Now we're supposedly operating 230v +10% -6%.
If you can ever be bothered to monitor the mains voltage (I've done it once but can't remember why) you'll notice that it moves around within this range dependant on the load on the grid at any given time.
We haven't changed the voltage they changes the tolerance so 240V would be within the limits, if they change the voltage it would mean replacing all the transformers in the national grid.
From 1 January 2004 the mains supply should be 230V (-6%, +10%), 50 Hz (±1%). ie a range of 216.2 - 253V
This replaces the UK's former specification which was 240V ±6% (ie a range of 225.6 - 254.4V)
Variations should still be anticipated in some areas as the voltage will drop during periods of heavy demand and rise during periods of low demand

IIRC, if you search Jon's posts, you will see exactly how he got on with the motor when it was in the saw. Surfice to say he saw fit to change it out.
