I'll start in earnest, it's close to the end of the month.
Please email me - phildotpascoeatskydotcom - with
Subject - 2020 Secret Santa.
1/ Your user name.
2/ Your name and address.
3/ A list of your interests.
4/ Whether you are right or left handed.
Please include nothing else, this is so that I can forward the whole email to your Secret Santa without editing.
It's possible in many cases to research people's interests, of course, but for some obscure reason some people are reluctant to put their interests in their profiles, so it's easier to get my retaliation in first.
Feel free to ask any questions, but in a seperate email, please.
If you have any doubts about whether you can meet the deadline, leave your entry until you are sure - it causes complications if someone pulls out late, but it'll be drawn as a round robin so it's much easier to put a late entry in than to to take an earlier one out.
For newcomers, there is no compulsion to make something, nicer as it is - search previous years for inspiration, there's plenty. There are no real rules, the only guideline being you should give something you would be happy to receive, so please support this brilliant annual event. I need more people to help prevent duplicating previous years' draws for the people who do actually make stuff. It's difficult to be unbiased on one hand and realistic and practical on the other and with more entrants it would be better and simpler.
I aim to get the entries in by the end of October and draw then. Aim to dispatch your gift by Saturday 12th Decenber.
Now please go back to the beginning and read this again.