16 Amp supply for bandsaw


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I can see that. And I am no spark. But this was running off the downstairs ring of a large 6 bed house (garage has a basic supply). Consumer unit is the other side of the house
As I understand it, the 1619 tablesaw had an 1800W motor.
In my own experience, 1500-1600W induction motors very rarely have issues running through a 13A fuse, 2200W motors frequently do.
The 1619 seems to sit in that grey area where it might or might not.

If you look at the curves for the British Standard plug top fuse, the two lines on the right at the top show the time / current where the fuse must not blow and where it must always blow. There's a lot of tolerance between the two. A fuse might carry approx 21A or 27A for weeks on end without blowing.
13 amp fuse.jpg

What does or doesn't kill the fuse isn't the basic rating of an induction motor. 1800W at a pretty horrid power factor still wouldn't be worse than a 3kW heater. It's all about the intensity and the duration of your start up surge and that is affected by the resistance of the supply wiring which can vary quite a lot place to place and installation to installation.