12v batteries and other stuff.


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Established Member
30 Apr 2021
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New Zealand
I sure this will be simple to folks who have electrical knowledge, unfortunately, I don't.
I have a 36v 17amp hour battery that is loaded up through a charger connected to the 240VAC household supply. I also have a 12v 150amp hour deep cycle battery connected to a 500watt pure sine wave inverter that delivers 240VAC. The 12v battery is charged by 400watts of solar panels.
I want to charge the 36v battery from the 12v setup via the inverter and also to know how much my 12v battery will be depleted assuming no input from the panels.
Is it as simple as converting to watt hours - 36v battery=612 watt hours, 12v battery=1800 watt hours so recharging the 36v battery will suck a bit over half the capacity from the 12v battery, plus about 8% for the inverter. Don't know but I think there may be some other factors involved in this.

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