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Claymore":1w1kctzn said:
Does anyone know if you can get headphones (preferably ear defenders but normal headphones will do) that are the following
1: Wireless
2: Over Ear
3: have a usb or memory card slot so i can play my audio books and music while working using the noisy machines.
I bought some ear defenders with built in FM radio and guess what..... I cannot get a radio signal in my workshop thanks to the metal roof grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I would have thought something like i'm after are pretty basic tech compared to ipads etc?
I have a nice little stereo out there that has a USB input slot and have a few memory sticks full of music etc but the planer/thicknesser drowns the sound hence reason for the headphones.

ps I have a few trail cameras and last week left one in my workshop overnight.... the following day I checked to see if it had recorded anything and IT HAD! bearing in mind it was locked up from 6pm until 8am and no'one goes anywhere near the place....it recorded the sound of a piece of oak 7ft long x 4" fall over and hit my bandsaw........the wood was stored in the other office room 15ft away hmmmmmmmmmm :shock: I will set my other cameras up to cover the whole workshop and see if i catch anything (no mice or other animals can get in there)

Must have been a ++++++++ big mouse to move that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you can get a normal radio to work, you could listen to that through your fm ear muffs. Buy a little cheapy fm transmitter (like ebay number 401226289894) plug that into anything that plays music, via a headphone socket. In your case a radio, or computer, or phone. Set the transmitter so it transmits at an unused frequency- I've found 108fm doesn't interfer with anything, then tune your earmuffs to that.

It'll boost a good fm signal, perhaps in your house and transmit that probably up to a 50 metre radius. If you search long enough you should find one that can be powered by 5v usb. The one I linked to does it, just I haven't used that particular model. I've used one that looks exactly like ebay number 291120418489 and is powered by 5vusb. I've used a version of that for years and it works really well. It transmits a good signal from the poorly insulated side of the workshop, to the new extension, which is like a faraday cage.


You can get external noise canceling headphones that are mean't to prevent any external sound intruding into what your listening too.

I'm musical, not sure if would want to listen to anything as could affect my concentration, perhaps,too relaxed not alert enough. I'm curious now will ask on forum if others listen to music, radio when operating machines.
I agree that Bluetooth is your man. My experience with FM transmitters is mainly bad.
You sometimes see cheap FM radio eadphones that have a 3.5mm jack socket, you can buy rechargeable BT receiver modules for about a fiver.
I have the same problem in my shed, by the way. Daughters got me a nice little Pure DAB radio, I built a Faraday cage out of Celotex. FM works just about, DAB useless.

Apologies for duplicate info. Beau was posting while I was typing...