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  1. spanner48

    ADHD and Mental Health

    There's something like a "10 Mile Rule" for keeping your GP when you move. Up to 10 miles is OK; beyond that, after a time, you have to switch.
  2. spanner48

    A new phrase?

    Indeed. It is remarkable that - 30 years after the introduction of IT [I was busy coding back in 1965] - they should still have been using a manual paper system
  3. spanner48

    A new phrase?

    There is more to this than meets the eye. The question is "WHY was the Horizon system introduced in the first place?" Turns out that the principal motive was to track, reduce and eliminate Benefit Fraud - which the then government thought was costing billions. Up till then all the Sub-Post...
  4. spanner48

    TYZACK Backsaw Heresy?

    That's the right way for the plate. But totes - if wood - often also need attention: split, cracked, horns broken off, sawscrews loose/missing, etc. But some work will normally make a difference:
  5. spanner48

    Learning woodwork from youtube

    Erasmus's quote is given modern expression in the Dunning-Kruger function
  6. spanner48

    A new phrase?

    A bit more than that. In 2017, AFTER the Post Office scandal had become public knowledge, she was one of three candidates short-listed to be the next Bishop of London [3rd most senior in the C of E, after the Archbishops of Canterbury & York]. She wasn't picked; but Justin Welby, the...
  7. spanner48

    Cars that make you smile

    Definition of a Harley-Davidson: "A complicated electro-mechanical device to convert petroleum spirit into noise"
  8. spanner48

    Cars that make you smile

    Agreed! I had a 1950 Series 1 80". Primitive beyond belief; but great fun, and everybody - particularly girlfriends - loved riding in it. For short drives . . . It had the original Worm-&-Peg 1930's steering box from Burman Douglas, with a bronze nut sliding along the steering column worm...
  9. spanner48

    TYZACK Backsaw Heresy?

    I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Yes, I did use to use engineering blue, but only when scraping white metal {Babbit] bearing shells to fit a crank- or camshaft on really old [pre-Vandervell] engines. As for using the old plate as a marker for the replacement: that's fine for the...
  10. spanner48

    Unknown saw tooth pattern and sharpening

    Looking at it, I suspect you may have an extreme case of "Cow & Calf Teeth'. Most of us are either right- or left-handed – so prefer sharpening in one direction, more than the other. That preference - repeated many times by a sawyer - results in gullets from the 'preferred' side becoming...
  11. spanner48

    TYZACK Backsaw Heresy?

    Well, keep trying with the deep plate, and see if things get better with time and experience. You might just discover an interesting niche for very deep plates. As for 'crystallisation': I've heard about it, but can't be sure whether it exists or not. But it is fairly clear that some of the...
  12. spanner48

    TYZACK Backsaw Heresy?

    Not making. But I restore and renovate historically interesting classic English saws: before 1900 and back to 1770. Particularly from the leaders and innovators of the Sheffield industry. Most - even quite worn or rusty ones - can be brought back to usable condition, with care and work...
  13. spanner48

    TYZACK Backsaw Heresy?

    That's ideal - and good value, by UK standards. Does it unroll straight? Or is there some residual curve left in it? And does it specify the temper? Some spring steel stock comes soft, and needs quenching and tempering to achieve the springiness needed . . .
  14. spanner48

    Forstner Drill Bits

    I've had an adjustable Forstner bit for decades. It works - in a swing brace; i'm not sure in a power drill: it takes off a good shaving at each turn. Essential is to keep it sharp – particularly the peripheral 'wings', which need to be carefully sharpened from the inside
  15. spanner48

    TYZACK Backsaw Heresy?

    "heretical" ? Not at all. But just what is that depth of plate useful for ? Tenon saws are usually plated quite narrow: ±21/2" to 3", as very few tenons are deeper than that. And the narrower plate gives better control in roll, and therefore a straighter cut. You could have got TWO plates out...
  16. spanner48

    Helping at a repair cafe

    Mike: do you want another repairer at Wokingham? I live nearby . . .
  17. spanner48

    Helping at a repair cafe

    HSE exception: "in control of non-domestic premises, such as a village or community hall" Rather few Repair Cafes are "in control of non-domestic premises" most just rent a room, or an outside area, for 3 hours, once a month or so. They rent it from the owner, who does "have control", and who...
  18. spanner48

    Helping at a repair cafe

    1: Not "two degrees": five. Cambridge: 2 Reading: 1 Cranfield 1: INSEAD 1 And yours? 2: "But from what you say about how these cafes operate they should be shut down immediately" ?? And what powers do you propose should be used to "shut down" a voluntary meeting of people on private...