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  1. M

    My newest toy (Woodbloke need not read)

    Nice one Mark. Cheers Mike
  2. M

    festool bargain on ebay

    In that case there are a hell of a lot of Festool fools on this forum, including me. One of us (Mark) just happily spent £500+ on a lovely Domino ... 42966.html which was a bargain. Just because you would not spend it does not mean you have lower yourself...
  3. M


    Roy having been through the same yourself, I am sure you will do fine, and seeing as where the prostate is I am equally as sure that anyone with this problem would prefer to speak to a man. As for how did he get the job I have no idea but I told him that I did not want to see him again. They...
  4. M


    A careing nature/heart, a sense of humour, and never ever be a doom and f-ing gloom merchant. Sorry for that last bit but although I did not have prostate cancer (stomach which spread to the spine) the councillor that came to see me was an arsehole who was preparing me for death. All right he...
  5. M

    Various tools for sale, FESTOOL, MAFELL

    Hi Sean, not wanting to post the items cuts down on your prospective buyers, but good luck. :D Cheers Mike
  6. M

    ProGrip Bandsaw Re-Saw Jig

    I had that fence with my old Elektra Beckum when I sold it. And the fence I have on my new saw looks very good. I am really just trying to find out what others think of the above jig. Your idea of extending the fence with MDF fitted to the tee slot is something I am sure I will use. Cheers Mike
  7. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Ah I see :lol: thanks Paul. Cheers Mike
  8. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    What's that? Cheers Mike
  9. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Well Germany beating Argentina 4.0 makes me feel a bit better. What a game and what a team Germany is turning out to be, if they continue to play like they did today, they are going to take the cup back home with them. Only Spain can stop them. heh heh Studders my man don't forget the 50/50...
  10. M

    ProGrip Bandsaw Re-Saw Jig

    Has no one used, or got any knowledge of one of these? Even if it's (rap/great because: Cheers Mike.....
  11. M

    Chestnut door.(wip nearly)

    This has to be the best looking door that I have ever seen =D> =D> Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Brad Naylor

    Wot e said :lol: Come on gis a loo :lol: Cheers Mike
  13. M

    I'm not having a good day

    Pete you have probably hit the nail on the head :wink: Cheers Mike
  14. M

    I'm not having a good day

    So Dewalt supplies a laser with my saw and I don't use it because I can use the teeth :roll: Your entitled to your opinion, as I am mine, and I will continue to use my laser, while you continue to use your teeth :roll: Cheers Mike
  15. M

    I'm not having a good day

    I beg to differ and although I cannot speak for the Makita, I can certainly say that the factory fitted laser on the Dewalt DW718 is NOT a gimmick and does not interfere with the pencil line. And why would it. All you have to do is line the laser up with the pencil mark before you turn the...
  16. M

    Thicknesser (SOLD) and Planer (SOLD)

    If anyone is interested, In the dim and distance past I had one of the clones of the SIP machine (Ryobi), which also had a cast iron tables, fence, and twin re-sharpenable blades. It was an excellent little machine, who's only real downside was the length of it's tables, but if you built a...
  17. M

    ProGrip Bandsaw Re-Saw Jig

    I purchased this along with 2 of the clamp guides for the bandsaw I had at the time, but for a number of reasons I never got around to using it, and until I found it the other day I forgot that I had it. :oops: Now that I am putting my monster Axminster Plus together and thinking about...
  18. M

    The Real Sprit Of UKWorkshop

    Hi Rob, yes it's a turnip, but around here it's also an idiot :lol: Anyway back on bleeding topic. That Studders has alot to answer for :evil:
  19. M

    The Real Sprit Of UKWorkshop

    Good, now get out to your hammock again, and I hope your bonce gives you even more jib :lol: A big member I ask you [-X Cheers Mike