Chestnut door.(wip nearly)

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27 Nov 2009
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Here is the latest project from the new workshop,I didn't do many pics along the way as i was so nervous making it that i forgot!
It is made in chestnut with oak panels and i decided it would be easier to make in 3 layers,2 of them glued overlapped, mortised,pegged screwed etc, the third layer will be fitted after glazing so as not to have to use beadings that don't always work on curved sections.Most of the curves were cut on the bandsaw and finished by using a router on a ply adjustable compass.
There is some staining on the chestnut but as the door is to be finished in tung oil the colour will change anyway.
The door is an outward opener as it is to be fitted in an exposed situ in Cornwall,my old stomping ground.
Thanks for looking.





Very nice the shape reminds me of the branches of a tree was that the idea ?

Are you putting leaded/stained glass into it ?
Yep, absolutely fabulous Squib! =D>

Very nice work, I guess this is going to be interesting to move to its final resting place!??

Some excellent joinery in there :wink: ...I like the look of those trestles (I assume) in the first pic. Do they fold flat and are they height adjustabubble?..only interested 'cos it's somat that I could do with in my 'shop - Rob
stunning work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is there a reason for the bottom hinge being so low?

also it looks like you have done away with the haunch on the tenonn.

realy is a gorgeous lookind door.
That's a very handsome looking door and frame.

Would be great to see some pics once fitted ? :)
That's a very handsome looking door and frame.

Would be great to see some pics once fitted ? :)
Thankyou all for your enthusiasm.To answer a couple of questions i tried to give the design the semblance of a tree but to aid construction i had to make it geometric.
It is very heavy as to be able to fit 4/16/4 toughened panels the total thickness of the door and panel is 72mm ,some of the glass may end up coloured but not yet.
The construction was slightly made up as i went along (ish) so so there are some haunched tenons and some are stubs and some are screwholes used in construction and then drilled and structually dowelled with 1/2" oak dowels.
The hinge spacing was another worry,actually every day there was another worry,I placed a hinge where i would normally fit a bottom hinge and as the top one cant go higher the spacing looked wrong, so i spaced the hinges as far apart as possible.
I will post some pics of the glazed and fitted door but may wait for the scaffold to come down first, this of course is if it fits (another worry :wink: )
