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  1. M

    Can anybody explain why?

    Snap AB43 with an A road all the way to Aberdeen, so why should we pay anymore? On the other hand there are some companies, Axminster for instance who charge us the same as their other customers. Lets hope that people wise up and stop buying from companies, sellers, who simply cannot be...
  2. M

    Explanation for My Absence

    Thanks for your kind thoughts everyone. Talk about "It runs in the family" :lol: Cheers Mike
  3. M

    Doctors ORDERS

    Me too. I really do hope you receive good news. Cheers Mike
  4. M

    Explanation for My Absence

    I am sure you are right Bob, even seeing death day in and day out does not/would not make you heartless. I know that they fought to keep me alive and my wife said that their attitude changed every time I went downhill. They do care, so much so that I have been invited back to the ICU to see the...
  5. M

    Explanation for My Absence

    It just shows it can happen to anyone, anywhere and at anytime. Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Explanation for My Absence

    Thanks guys (and Studders :lol :lol: ). It's good to be back and if I have just got to do my bit and eat/live healthy from then I should live a normal life from now on. Just think if I had not given up smoking (what is it 4 or 5 years ago?), things could have turned out very different. Spot on...
  7. M

    Explanation for My Absence

    Although I had told my fellow mods, because Digit had left us so recently I thought an explanation for my absence could wait. So where have I been?, Hospital, 2 weeks in ICU, 2 weeks on the Coronary care unit, home for 10 days, and rushed in again for another 2 weeks. It all started on the 4...
  8. M

    Secondary TV in a bedroom.

    Ditto with the booster Cheers Mike
  9. M

    Euro 2012 - Fantasy Football League

    Is there any prizes because it mentions you winning £100 but does not make it clear if there is any this year Cheers Mike
  10. M

    Sad News- Roy "Digit" Randall

    What a sad sad world, one day you are talking someone and then the next they are gone. It puts life into perspective. Roy your up there now mate, so save a place for me, and to your family I send my heart felt condolences Mike
  11. M

    Generous neighbours!

    Maybe making him or his wife a small hand made present might seal a friendship. What ever happens it was a very nice gesture indeed Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Sip table saw wont keep running

    No brainer Joe return it and do it sooner rather then later. By the way welcome to the forum Cheers Mike
  13. M

    Does anyone know how wooden frame sunglasses are made?

    Why not get in touch with him and become his first UK agent? :D Cheers Mike
  14. M

    Do companies have to honour an ebay sale ?

    Yes I am sure that you are right, after all there are not many times that this sort of thing finds for the customer. Cheers Mike
  15. M

    Do companies have to honour an ebay sale ?

    I am forever hearing, even on the tv, that if you win a item on ebay then you have to go through with the sale as it is a binding contract. This being the case then surely the seller is in the same position and has to honour the sale? The only thing I can see going against you is the fact that...
  16. M

    Glad someone is standing up to it ...

    Mr S I think that it is most rude of you to post a message before I had a chance to post mine :evil: You old muppet. Anyway I have to say that up here in Scotland (I'm English) on a number of occasions (in a post office or store) I heard a mobile phone ring, and the owner if they do not turn it...
  17. M


    We still have one of the highest post count members in our one and only "Hand Tool Goddess Alf (12078 posts). How about having that as a description of yourself :?: :shock: Cheers Mike
  18. M


    This is going no where except in circle's, so lets call it a day. Cheers Mike
  19. M

    Car Boot Sales

    Thanks Dick, when you think of where we live, or Scotland as a whole, you would have though that there would be lots of car boot sales. You often hear about a low mileage beauty of a car found in a barn that has not been driven for 20 or 30 years. Well can you imagine the tools that are laying...
  20. M

    Car Boot Sales

    Thankyou guys I will take a look into these, Cheers Mike