Does anyone know how wooden frame sunglasses are made?

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9 May 2012
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Hi everyone im new here, im researching all over the internet to find out how wooden frame sunglasses are made, and i want to see step by step process to learn what kind of tools i need, if anyone knows anything i would appreciate the help, or even if there is some course for things like this that would be great. Thank you all for your help.
cnc router or laser cutter. Possibly cut with a di if they are making lots and lots. Download some free software like inkscape or draughtsight. Draw the glasses to scale and send to a local laser cutting service or cnc router company.
Try out a website called instructables. might be on there
JasonB that is a good video from shwoods but there is no detailed explanation on how to attach the lenses and the sides, and the mould that they use is it just pressure or they treat the wood first. This is what I want to know. Do you think if I ask them they will tell me. I know thats cheeky but how else would I learn. Thanks to all for the replies.
i would expect them to decline to answer those questions.

That said, there are a limited number of ways of fixing the lenses in- mechanical means or glue. Any many of your other questions could probably be answered by doing a few trials.

The other way that you could ask is if you make an enquiry as a potential customer, and say that you are worried about the lenses falling out- how are they fixed and what is the guarantee etc?
or reverse engineer a normal set of glasses- at least that way your design will be original- does it matter if you end up with a different solution.

There cant be a lot to them- a shaped frame with hinges on the arms. A method of fiving in the glass and a nosepiece. There must me a number of ways of creating the shaped frame- laser cut veneer laminations over a 3d form are probably a good starting point as suggested above. A wooden hinge can be created in a few different ways, one way is on the gifkins dovetail website (downloads section).

To practice, you dont need to worry about the laser cut element- see if you can get the hang of pressing veneer into a 3d shape- get the cheast veneer that you can.

An alternative might be a 3d pantograph, or even hand carving them- there are many options...
Denny can you say how many you want to make as this will effect methods used. If its just a couple for your own use then you could get away with a router and template and maybe just bandsaw and or sand any curves for larger volumes steam bend or laminate them.

As for fixing the sides to the front you have the choice of making integral wooden hinges or sourcing a small hinge, I would imaging on the larger production numbers in teh video that they have hinges made for them.

Lenses set into a routed rebate would be the easiest option.
Hey Marcros what you said there is very good and helpful i looked at the gifkins dovetail website and they have an interesting metod of making wooden hinges and i think i could make something similar, one thing though can you please explain to me what is fiving in the glass and the nosepiece and also what is cheast veneer, i looked on the internet for this words but i couldn't find anything explaining what they are.

JasonB i would like to make few of them in the most easiest way just for me and maybe if they are good to sell them on etsy or folksy, but that is something that i hope for, the first thing is I just want to learn how others made them and experiment and find my own way of making them so they can be a bit different and original. Saying that probabli i would start with a router and in future im planing to build a cnc one in the near fututre, and also for the bending i would try to find out more on steam bending and laminating wood.

Mike.C for me to become a shwoods first uk agent its too much, maybe that would be good for some shop that already sells sunglasses. I found your Free Downloadable Woodworking Books & Plans very helpful thanks for sharing it mate, sharing is caring :)
Marcros types as badly as you :wink:

fiving = fixing
cheast = cheapest

If your CNC router will work in 3D then you don't need to worry about the curved elements you just cut to the curve from thicker wood to start with only downsides are it will take longer and use more wood.

I would be wary of wooden hinges as unlike a box there is only one hinge per moving item so the stresses will be a lot higher, why not look at some cheap kiddies glasses and pinch the hinges from them.

Now I know what I can make from a little stash of cocobolo veneers strips I thought I had no use for.
I can get lenses from a pair of ordinary glasses. Think SWIMBO would like such a pair, to be different.
