Thanks Paul - glad you found it useful :).
tnimble I've only had a short time to play with the Tormek - but in spite of many criticisms of the system for honing there's no denying that in a very short time you get a sharp edge on your tools that certainly newcomers to sharpening may never have...
Chisel my blue Clifton bar is the same. The only thing I've not tried is Chris's suggestion which I will when I get a chance.
But what does work is putting a flame to the end of the bar and then wiping it on the leather! (I use a butane grill lighter).
Think it must just be past its best - I got...
I'm mainly got it for grinding my primary bevel.
But the Tormek is designed as a sharpening system. You first create the bevel using the stone at its 220 grit. It then comes with a stone grader which you apply to the stone for 30s or so - this is meant to reduce the grit size by 5 to about...
Have a look here:
I find white spirit (mineral spirits) works well (closest to water) but don't like the smell.
Will do Wizer.
Forgot to mention Tormek are coming out with two additional stones this summer - in the US at least. A 4000 grit stone designed for tool touch-up and small carving tools and a similiar grit stone to the original but more hardwearing and with additional cutting speed. Martin do...
Well you know that you can't leave a woodworking show empty handed and I didn't really need any more Bessey clamps ;) (did still pick up with of their mitre clamps though :oops:) well ....
I've never been 100% happy with grinding my primary bevels - I use a coarse DMT Duosharp or my bench...
Dick - B&Q stock the Trend clamps - well mine does.
I have a perform one and a Trend one - prefer the Trend one. Not tried the Screwifx one - sure you could return it if no good?
Brilliant Digit - well done!
I recall trying to make a new handle for one of my old planes and failing miserably so not sure what any plane I'd ever try and make would end up like!
Very impressed.
Nice chisels LN - not a subtle gloat!
Glad I'm not the only one continuously moving things around in my shop - although a little tighter in mine!
What happened to the Bahco chisels?
I have no idea how much it costs to build your own - I really need to look into it - but these look really rempting - thanks for the link.
£2200 for a 5x5m log cabin sounds like a good price to me.
Hi Nigel
The ruler is held on with surface tension / suction of the oil or whatever lubricant you're using. It can still slip but usually holds ok.
John you're right you are creating a small back bevel. And if you then don't want to use the method anymore you'll need to re-flatten the back :(...
Not sure if this is a different model but I have the Metabo RAS - you push the red button in then rotate the wheel a/c until it clicks, then turn until it clicks again to change orbit IIRC.
Thanks Olly - does the trick ;). Do generally use a honing guide - can't dish diamond stones plus move the blade around and flip it end to end every now and again.
Roger - the (David Charlesworth's) ruler trick uses a thin 6" ruler placed close to the edge of the stone when polishing the back...