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  1. SBJ


    As a cyclist and a motorist, it's quite clear that there are good and bad on both sides. The worst road user, is the one that is dangerous. That is usually the motorist, usually impatient trying to pass a cyclist when it's not appropriate. This leads to cyclists needing to take up "primary"...
  2. SBJ

    Sale of Lloyds branches to Co-op

    You must get a great deal of satisfaction when you actually find one. Keep up the good work.
  3. SBJ

    Sale of Lloyds branches to Co-op hero... Thanks for the heads up Roger, this has given me the advance warning to decide who I want strung up. What a dogs dinner this has turned out to be.
  4. SBJ

    Sale of Lloyds branches to Co-op

    So, you do know the facts then?
  5. SBJ

    Sale of Lloyds branches to Co-op

    I find the best thing to do in this situation is to get angry and have a bit of a rant without knowing the facts.
  6. SBJ

    Entertainment unit

    How about the egger eurolight? Anyone used it? ... ROF_EN.pdf
  7. SBJ

    Framed l& bdoor design

    I think you could easily get away with 13mm-19mm-13mm to get a standard 44mm door. Insulate the voids with celotex or similar and its thermally efficient too. edit: yes I know its 45mm :oops: :oops: 12.5-19-12.5
  8. SBJ

    Multi panel kitchen

    I agree, you have made the world a better place, I hope you are both really happy.
  9. SBJ

    Working out what timber is needed for a job??

    This is how urban front do it, similar design slightly different principal. ... curity/t14 I think you should be looking at a door blank with 10mm veneers.
  10. SBJ

    Working out what timber is needed for a job??

    Hey stormer, I'm intrigued as to the design of your door. If you are glueing up solid boards across the width of the door you are going to experience a lot of movement and potentially a lot of trouble sometime in the future. AS regards to working out your timber requirements, you need to go...
  11. SBJ

    Wooden cross design would love some assistance please???

    Aww shucks! Theres not a lot of skill involved in sketchup to produce that, it's just a matter of using over a period of time and things just become easier. I've probably been using it for about 5 years, but pretty infrequently. I did have a couple of false starts with it, but a bit of...
  12. SBJ

    Wooden cross design would love some assistance please???

    A bit late to the party, but heres how i would do it and then this Which i think is what Andy was saying.
  13. SBJ

    scribing to fit conundrum

    Have a look here for a description of how to do some scribing of awkward shapes: ... t=spilling
  14. SBJ

    A sensible decision

    lol, good to hear. Pass on my regards to roger.
  15. SBJ

    How do they do these letters?

    It will be CNC cut - look here as an example : Depending on the CNC, there are ways to have that sort of room on the Z axis.
  16. SBJ

    Killing Fields 2012

    In fairness, it was a cracking race. We all did our cash in our house, although my sons horse was in with a shout until the final 2 fences - he was getting very excited at the thought of £14 in his back pocket! Cant win them all, I guess. Roll on next year.
  17. SBJ

    Killing Fields 2012

    All horse racing or just this race?
  18. SBJ

    Killing Fields 2012

  19. SBJ

    Killing Fields 2012

    I was going to go for Moaningoldmen but there was very little interest in it. Decided on Synchronised and a little each way on Always Right - seemed appropriate somehow.