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  1. T

    Damp in concrete floor - options?

    Roger. There are a number of possible causes. As others have pointed out and correctly advised, if the problem is leaking buried pipes, then the suggestions to check this will soon tell you. If not, then as the house is very old, I'm assuming that you had an injection DCC installed. It may...
  2. T

    Which Blogs do you read?

    Good Grief! Where do you find the time to look at all these, do you never sleep?! I have more than enough to do with work, involves a fair bit of travel, and turning plus selling my turnings: or perhaps the net has managed somehow to increase the number of hours in a day from 24 to 36!!!!
  3. T

    New Tool Rest (small gloat)

    Steve, and others, Axminster were giving out 10% discount flyers at the Interbuild expo for use in the new Nuneaton branch. Even if you don't have one, it might be worth while asking when you go. Phil
  4. T

    New Tool Rest (small gloat)

    Steve, Looks like an Axminster with interchangable heads, very useful, see Axminster on line for more details Phil
  5. T


    Agreed it was a great program, I can’t wait for the next few. Wasn’t it good to see children raised on electronic things actually enjoying making something with pride! I had a huge collection; the Lanc was and always will be my favourite, however my preferred method of disposal was a banger...
  6. T

    Baby proofing

    Reading all these comments, I am amazed that I have reached a relatively ripe age without some terrible disaster befalling me! Like Wizer, I once put my finger in a socket and it did give me a real buzz! I was about 4 or 5. I’m more of the opinion of Cambournepete, wrap everyone up in cotton...
  7. T

    Craft fair fayre.

    Just one thought Johnny T. Have you thought of having a book case or some form of shelving at the back? I use this to give height to the stand and I drape it with material, dark blue which I feel shows off the timber. If necessary, you can also hide behind it as well!
  8. T

    Whatever happened to English mustard?

    Roger, the clue is in the name. Come down and visit the lovely town of Tewkesbury. No floods now but there is a temp one way system due to the repairs on a timber frame building in the High Street. Also, I think that a company called Elsenham? or something, do sell it through good delis.
  9. T

    Whatever happened to English mustard?

    If any of you are after REAL hot mustard, ask for Tewkesbury Mustard. This is a delightful blend of English mustard and Horseradish! Clears all the tubes and as has been said already no bugs are likely to live in it!
  10. T


    Yes, I'm just back as well. Were were all the suppliers? plenty of wood for sale and 3 cheers for Ashley Iles and Meantime, but who else? A few bits from Craft Supplies. All the same Ashley Iles gave me the help I needed and I just happened to see a couple of pieces of timber I had to have!
  11. T

    Sheds and lathes? *updated*

    I've spent the last 2 years trying to avoid cutting a hole and filling it with concrete to fix the lathe down better in my wooden shed. But today I have a builder in doing just that. Hopefully I will them be able to turn vibration free thin walled vessels. Providing I have the skill! On the...
  12. T

    bright ideas?

    I endorse the ‘No Car Boot Sales’ motto. I did one once and only once. I tend to go for craft shows in locations which I know have a fairly ‘artistic’ or tourist population. Tourists tend to buy smaller items, especially if they are from abroad, so they go for things like Bottle stoppers, key...
  13. T

    green apple

    Hi there. In answer 1 - You can turn it wet, very nice and easy, then leave it to dry and either say, well what an interesting shape that is now, or then let it dry and re-turn it at a later date when it is dry. In the former case, turn it as a hollow bowl, dish etc and very thin. In the...
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    sour oranges

    At least it's not 'Sour Grapes'! :lol:
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    High street game

    Jenx and all, even worse is the walk round the Pyramids. But at least it doesn't cost you so much!!!
  16. T

    Rate this bandsaw?

    Loz, I agree with shedhead. The throat is OK, but you will soon find that you want to double the depth of the cut