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  1. I

    A rant about Royal Mail

    Unless they shape up, Royal Mail will now be able to slowly hang themselves since they are now exposed to free market competition. The scale of postal fraud I read in the Guardian article last week, is breathtaking. Businesses can now lead the way in using alternative postal companies. Ike
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    The route to good routing Warning: [RANT]

    I'm fully with Mike on this. Sorry to be blunt but I think your statement is pointless, unless you deliberately wanted to make insult. :( Ike
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    For people considering a new tablesaw

    DW, Maybe the cheapest type of table saws, i.e the 'bargain' saw with brush motor can have a flimsy, lightweight construction. But cabinet bases of saws with a build quality of Kity or Scheppach (just to name the first two that came to my mind, strength and rigidity are IMO perfectly adequate...
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    Applying Patina over stain

    Gary, I tried Patina over spirit stain once and it 'diluted' it leaving a patchy job. Maybe water-based stain would be better? Ike
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    Radial arm saw

    I honestly don't know the scope and usefulness of a radial arm saw other than it probably benefits from a dado attachment more than a table saw does. I used one occasionally in the past, but I didn't particularly enjoy using it. I think also they benefit from a decent infeed and outfeed bench...
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    Bending stainless steel rod

    P'raps I should elaborate that I would use the wooden former, clamping the rod at one end and then just wrapping the rod around it. The former radius needs to be a bit less than the deired radius to allow for some springback. cheers IKe
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    Radial arm saw

    Hi Phil, Cheerful today? - must be the SUN! Radial arm saws eh, DeWalt springs to mind. That is dependent on what you intend to make with doesn't it? , which you haven't elaborated on yet. cheers, Ike
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    Bending stainless steel rod

    You can easily bend it just by hand to the desired curve. Yes. Don't know about mail order, but could try your Yellow pages for metal/steel stockholders for starters. cheers, Ike
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    Any Electricians out there?

    Oh yeah? An electrician I know accidentally dropped a screwdriver which shorted a contacter across phases - 415V gives a BANG!. You WOULD get toasted if it was part of you. Ike
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    Spare a thought for how they can sell them so cheap. I'd like to think the workers that produced them were paid a decent wage/ old enough / enjoy a safe working environment. But somehow I doubt one could tick all the boxes. Tesco! ... hmmh! :evil: Ike
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    Grrrr. I've been Trojan Horsed!

    I got a trojan on mine the other day - not a dialler though, just a nuisance thing mainly. It got past Zone Alarm Internet suite. Zonealarm scan picked uip just the one spyware but couldn't neutralize it. Zonelabs Virus centre didn't even recognize the variant. I used other software with the...
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    Anyone had experience of varifocal glasses?

    Varifocal lenses blend 3 focal lengths for distance, mid field and near field vision. The overall surface geometry has to blend these three focal lengths as best as possible. It is always a compromise. As a result the width of view is roughly an 'hourglass' shape, so peripheral vision is always...
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    G Clamps

    I believe Record clamps are superior in that they are forged steel, not cast iron. Drop forging imparts grain flow in the forging complimentary to its overall shape, which enhances the strength and toughness of the part. Ike
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    Scheppach planer knife setup problems

    Re-reading your post made me think. I don't think it is essential that the blade setting has to move the gauge exactly 3mm. Anything between just 'kissing' it and moving it the full 3mm. The difference in height between these 'limits' is very slight and in my experience of setting this machine...
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    Scheppach planer knife setup problems

    It's is tricky to get just right. The trouble is the adjusting screws could do with a finer pitch. My technique after fiddling in a similar fashion to start with is to lightly nip the clamping screws, before bringing the blade upwards. It is unfortunately just a fiddly task. Ike
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    Auto switch on for extractors

    Andy, Just a bit of lateral thinking here. You know those cheapy Performance Power Workshop vacs in B&Q for £34.99 (the black/red one about the size of a petrol can? They have a PCB in them for autoswitching tools up to 2400W (the vacumm motor is rated 600W). The total rating is 3000W but...
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    Metal Detector Recommendations ???

    I use one of them (by Draper). Cheap, but it still does the job. cheers, Ike
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    My wife used to work for Argos. Thank the lord she now works outside of retail because the mentality of many (and I mean a significant % of customers) beggared belief. Among other situations, she sometimes got verbally abused simply when an item was out of stock. I find it astonishing how far...
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    kitchen fitting help

    David, Just the worktop - U kitchen, 2 mason mitre joints + a sink. I could do it in a day - albeit a pretty busy day. So just for a days work, even factoring in the overheads, £600 sounds pretty steep to me! My sis had her basic kitchen (base units, tops, cupboards and sink but excluding...
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    Mitre gauge

    Hi Richard, Try Folkstone Engineering Supplies. I expect you'll want 3/8" x 3/4" Bright MS bar. Lengthwise they sell in 300mm increments. cheers Ike