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  1. Knot Competent

    Anyone interested in genealogy?

    Thanks Steve, I'll do a search for that. On a totally different subject, I was looking at Intarsia this weekend, and wondering if I could have a go as I think the results are very attractive. As soon as I saw your Avatar, I thought it would make a wonderful subject, but with different colours...
  2. Knot Competent

    Anyone interested in genealogy?

    Thanks again Chas, your tree is just what I wanted to achieve, and I'll go with that. A very useful link. I loaded Open Office a week or so back, and didn't like the way it tried to take over MS Office. It converted all my Office documents to Open Office documents without being asked to, and...
  3. Knot Competent

    Anyone interested in genealogy?

    Thanks for your replies so far, it's all very interesting. I can see that Smartdraw would fit the bill admirably, but it's very expensive just to do one or two charts. I've just tried SketchUp, and as I thought it won't zoom up or down without the text boxes going astray. I have MS Office...
  4. Knot Competent

    Anyone interested in genealogy?

    I've been working on my family background, off and on, over four decades now. Over the last ten years I've tried several computer programmes but none seem to do what I want. They're all capable of recording huge amounts of information in different ways, but all I want is a prog that will...
  5. Knot Competent

    Tools 2005 Thursday roll-call please

    I'll be there at Tools 2005 on Thursday Alf. But count me out on the hotel as I've heard there's a rowdy bunch staying there! Regards, John
  6. Knot Competent

    BE nice to her LOL

    She's right, of course. But she chose to live here, so how can she complain? She can go back to the US of A, where service, street cleanliness and weather are different, and some might say are better. But we have certain aspects of life that a thousand and more years of intermixing have...
  7. Knot Competent

    Market research (again!) - Glues

    I use a lot of the two-pack mitre adhesive stuff that sets in seconds. 50 ml bottles + 200 ml activator. Jewson's price: c. £18, Travis Perkins c. £11, Winsor Wurth c. £6. Guess where I go? Unless, of course, your price will be better! Regards, John
  8. Knot Competent


    Did you see that Elton John has written a tribute song to dear old Ronnie Barker - "Four Candles in the Wind"
  9. Knot Competent


    You don't understand - Exeter isn't really Devon. It's a bit of Birmingham that escaped down the M5 one night when no-one was looking. :D
  10. Knot Competent

    A couple of things...

    Interesting, Steve, but maybe I'm thick this morning. Didn't understand the wet slippers? Regards, John
  11. Knot Competent

    Broadband Internet access

    Alf, Wassa usage monitor? Big green lizard with a flicking tongue? Would I know what it was if I saw one? I'd be grateful if anyone can tell me how to monitor my usage, as I don't have a clue. Regards, John
  12. Knot Competent

    Broadband Internet access

    I think you could well be right, WiZeR. I really didn't notice much improvement when BT upped it from 1 to 2 thingies, and it'll save a bit of cash to go back a step. John
  13. Knot Competent

    Broadband Internet access

    It's all right for you, Roger. You live in Malvern. But where I live is waaaay down toward the end of the telephone line, and the signal is so weak it just trickles by. In it's dying breath it just reaches Alf, even slower than here, and stops dead just before Lands End, where they still send...
  14. Knot Competent

    Broadband Internet access

    I've spent most of the evening looking at all the offers, Alf, and it doesn't help that I don't know what my usage is. I mean, I know it's quite heavy, but HOW heavy is heavy? It seems caps of 2, 6 and 30 GB are available, but the thought of joining up then having to upgrade, or try to...
  15. Knot Competent

    Broadband Internet access

    We've just had a phone bill from BT, and realise that our 2Mb access is costing us £77 + VAT per quarter. :shock: I can see us moving to another provider in the near future, but would appreciate some advice from those in the know. We only got BT broadband available in this area for the first...
  16. Knot Competent

    Pbase Renewal

    OK Neil, no-one else seems interested yet. Can you tell me what Pbase is, 'cause I'm interested in photography, but not much good at it. I love looking at PhotoSig, plenty to learn from there. Regards, John
  17. Knot Competent

    Open Office

    OK, that makes sense. Thanks Dave.
  18. Knot Competent

    Open Office

    Thanks for that, WiZeR, but I got stumped at the first hurdle, a choice between UK WISC and UK Mirror Service. Don't understand either, is it safe for a numptie to proceed?
  19. Knot Competent

    Open Office

    A question for those in the know (which doesn't include me!) - Can I download this prog to try out, and then delete it, without it affecting my MS Office 2000 or associated documents? John the Unknowing
  20. Knot Competent

    Sticky Collet...

    Well said, DW! Let's try to get them all to see sense, and get a Triton router. The wind-up, wind-down mechanism makes life so easy for me. I thoroughly recommend them! John