A couple of things...


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Steve Maskery

Established Member
26 Apr 2004
Reaction score
1. I've bought some stick-on flock, Suede-Tex, today, I'll let you know how I get on with it - just done a couple of little trinket boxes. It's jolly expensive so it had better be good.

2. I think I'm going to be on Home Truths tomorrow morning, Radio 4, 9-10am.

Is there no end to this man's fame?!

Home Truths? So you've got a weird habit/behaviour/pastime or a funny story? Look forward to it.

Usually listen to home truths in the workshop - guess I'd better get in there tomorrow after 4 weekends with no playtime :cry:
If you should miss it, you'll be able to hear it over the internet on Radio 4's "Listen Again" service.

Interesting, Steve, but maybe I'm thick this morning. Didn't understand the wet slippers?

Regards, John
Hi John
That's because they edited it, took out a few key phrases and inserted stuff I didn't write. Grrrr! Editors, eh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. :D

The slippers were in my wife's dressing room, along with the spare bed, and I guess a cat can keep its legs crossed for only so many days. Pretty impressed that it managed over 48 hours, actually.

For anyone remotely interested, or who hasn't got a clue what we're on about, here is the origianl.

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, it was night anyway, Saturday night, and we were startled awake by a terrible noise. A screaming. Not so much a screaming as a wailing. Not so much a wailing as an other-worldly howling. Not so much, well, it was indescribable. But it was very, very loud, and seemed so close we thought that it was perhaps foxes fighting outside our bedroom window.

But investigation revealed... nothing. We went back to sleep.

The following night, Sunday... the same. Very loud, very close, and very unidentifiable. Lights went one, we searched, but in vain.

Monday night... well Monday all was quiet. But when my wife got up and went into her dressing room (we are quite posh) she slipped her foot into her sheepskin slippers to find they were damp. More than damp, they were wet. And just a trifle smelly.

Tuesday the cleaners arrived (told you we were posh) and as they attacked the dressing room with the hoover, and went under the spare bed, whoosh, out came a startled and probably terrified cat. We don't have a cat so it wasn't ours. Fortunately the cleaners were cat-people and they went round closing some doors and opening others, and pretty soon the cat found its way, sharpish, out of the house.

It must have got into the house on the Saturday while we were in the garden and got stuck somehow.

Now, you know that sheepskin is washable, and I know that sheepskin is washable, but my wife insisted on buying new slippers. She is so profligate, my wife.

We never saw the cat again.
Well done Steve for making it on the show. Obvious enough about the slippers, well from a cat owners POV anyway.
Maybe Gill will be on next week about her shed/workshop......

Good Idea, Noel. Come one, Gill, get writing! Perhaps then we can create a HT thread about UKW/HT coincidences. They have threads running week-to-week, just like we do.

Drat I missed most of it, including Steve's contribution :(. Ah well, thank goodness for 'Play Again' :) .

I did catch something about a woman who had eight sheds which had all been bolted on to each other, though.

Is the presenter of this programme the same Tom Robinson who was the gay rights activist of the punk music era and had hits such as "2-4-6-8 Motorway" and "Up Against The Wall"? Talk about a lifestyle change!

Gill (who's still a punk rocker at heart)
Yip, that's Tom Robinson from the TRB. Although married with 2 kids now. IMHO a good replacement for John Peel. The best of the current presenters on the show. along with another guy (Laurie Taylor?).
Sure that wasn't you Gill about the sheds?

"Shed collector

Listen to the item

Gillian doesn't believe that sheds are for men only. She has a good half dozen of the things in her back garden, and they're none of your prefab direct-delivery nonsense either. She builds her own sheds from scratch using raw materials and her own bare hands.

But why so many? Is Gillian a shedaholic? She explains all to Tom."

But I've only got two (unless you count the lean-to which I must confess to having built myself). One of those sheds is stuffed full of gardening equipment such as lawnmowers, so it's a household shed and therefore shouldn't really count as mine... not really.

It's been developed a bit recently, Trev, and I wonder if you'd recognise it now. Perhaps I should update the "Signals From The Bunker" thread to incorporate piccies of the cladding and space-age thermal insulation (aka "foil bubblewrap") that's now in place.

Perhaps not. I haven't finished the job yet, having only clad the walls and left the ceiling. It's quite a curious combination, what with having foil visible on the ceiling and pine cladding on the walls, but I'll finish it off eventually. I just had to take a break from sensible activities and get back to what I love doing most of all - after all, there's no point having a workshop if you're so busy caring for it that there's no time to use it for its intended purpose.

I was intrigued to hear about the lady who has barred her hubby from her shed. It's usually the other way round, isn't it? That said, His Lordship always knocks on the door before entering The Bunker when he knows I'm there. I sometimes get so engrossed in the finer details of scrolling that if someone just enters it can come as a great shock to me when I realise that I'm no longer alone. That's been known to lead to projects I've been working on for days suddenly being ruined as I start and inadvertantly jerk the piece I'm working on directly into the saw blade, cutting off a delicate but critical part of a project.

Okay, there's another reason why we have our own workshops. I know where my tools are kept; he doesn't know where his tools are lost. When he learns to keep a tidy workshop, he'll be welcome.


PS The neighbours are suspicious that I'm harbouring illegal immigrants. I've told them that if I was, the next edifice to appear in the garden would be a Porta-loo :) .
Gill":373t6plg said:
Okay, there's another reason why we have our own workshops. I know where my tools are kept; he doesn't know where his tools are lost. When he learns to keep a tidy workshop, he'll be welcome.

I take it he doesn't read this Forum then, Gill? :lol: :lol:


Fortunately, His Lordship leaves woodworking forums alone. It's just as well, really 8-[ .

Chas - I take it Di might read these forums? You deleted your last post with alacrity :lol: !

Gill":23ng1dck said:
Fortunately, His Lordship leaves woodworking forums alone. It's just as well, really 8-[ .

Chas - I take it Di might read these forums? You deleted your last post with alacrity :lol: !


I was trying to download a 50+MB that my son has uploaded for me on our server (wet string only here) when there was an enquiry from behind my shoulder the very second I posted as to whether I was bothering to sleep tonight, so not wishing to push my luck any further I chickened out :oops: :whistle: O:)

Edit: Thanks Gill [-( for the speedy comment, the QA manager beat the subject contents out of me this morning before delivering some very exacting requirements for the next item out of the shed. :roll: