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  1. D

    More turnings from Duncan

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Harlequin - the black parts are all ebony, or at least some dense black wood that's similar to ebony. The slightly smaller diameter on the lid wasn't intentional, it was turned on a separate jam chuck and I think I sanded it a little too much!
  2. D

    More turnings from Duncan

    This is another item I had thought of finishing for the competition. click for larger 24cm long with lid 8.5cm widest diameter Hollowed to about 3mm most of the way, with some weight left in the tail. The yew body had been sitting on a shelf waiting for me to to think of a way to complete...
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    Poisonous Yew

    It looks as though there's been one unfortunate side-effect - at the Harrogate show I was overcome by the urge to spend money and came away with a larger bag of stuff than I'd intended :D
  4. D

    Oneida Cyclone

    The outlet is also really useful for cleaning out the inside of hollow forms whilst hollowing. I've made a couple of extensions using wood and thin plastic pipe so I can direct the air flow through small holes. Also good for clearing dust out of various nooks and crannies in the shed.
  5. D

    Oneida Cyclone

    I do this but the noise either stays in the shed, along with the heat or goes outside where it might disturb the neighbours. Of course, keeping the heat in the shed is desirable over winter and I sometimes switch it on just for a heat boost when I first go in. Another option was a silencer...
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    Poisonous Yew

    Looks like I won't be making it to Harrogate tomorrow then
  7. D

    Poisonous Yew

    There are often questions posted about the toxicity of yew and it's suitability for food related items. I can't say one way or the other but it's perhaps best to err on the side of caution. However, after being told, and following some research I've found that the flesh of the berry is edible...
  8. D

    Oneida Cyclone

    Interesting video. Thanks. What's the design of the silencer, as I could really do with a better one on my noisy Camvac? Duncan
  9. D

    Who's going to Harrogate this weekend?

    I'll be there tomorrow, Saturday. No badge so going undercover although I'll be introducing myself to Chestnut Terry to claim my prize :D Not planning on spending much, but of course am open to persuasion! Just need consumables such as abrasive and glue...
  10. D

    Rosie !

    From what I've seen of ornamental turning it's often a question of knowing when to use it and how much to apply. The guy at our club who made one (completely computer controlled by stepper motors, a BBC model B and BASIC) makes some lovely ebony boxes with decorative lids. The ornamental stuff...
  11. D

    Does anyone know of...

    Depending on what your item is going to be used for, you might be able to use a lacquer. The cellulose one that Martin Pidgeon brings to the club doesn't colour the wood and I suspect that the Chestnut ones don't either. Duncan
  12. D

    Another 2 pieces.

    I agree. Both appear to be finished well (and I know from experience that chestnut can be a real pain with tear-out, although the grain can be stunning) My first reaction to the top one is that the foot is too tall and a little narrow. The foot on the second one also appears a little narrow. If...
  13. D

    Interesting blog post about yew toxicity

    Here. It'll be interesting to see what response he gets
  14. D

    More turnings from Duncan

    Thanks for the comments. I forgot to say about the leaf - I sawed it to shape on the bandsaw before I did any turning on it as I figured it would be safer than sawing it afterwards. It also makes it easier to get consistent wall thickness. The edges are done with a coiled wire in a pyrography...
  15. D

    More turnings from Duncan

    Once again it's been way longer than I thought since I posted anything, but then I've not been turning as much recently anyway. Here's the first of my recent photos (all clickable for larger versions)... 265mm x 40mm Some sort of Mahogany I think. 265mm longest x 50mm high Some sort of...
  16. D

    Pens!! Now with a couple more...

    I've never bought separate bands but I have made my own from wood. Ebony usually gives a nice contrast... and this one is a mix of ebony and ivory reclaimed from piano keys...
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    Skew Mastery

    I tend to do the same - if it's something I've spent a lot of time on then I often switch to a gouge. One thing which I've found to help whilst learning - if you use a Stebcentre to drive you can back off the pressure so that the timber is only help by the tips of the teeth. Now if you get a...
  18. D

    Power cap.

    Toolpost sell them. I guess they're like rip-offs, but having never used those I can't be sure. I find that they last several months as long as they're well taped on.
  19. D

    Any suggestions which wood this is?

    I agree. Lovely grain in there.
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    1st bowl attempt

    As far as I'm aware sawtooth bits are better at cutting into end grain than forstners. The set I have includes both and the sawtooth are definitely better. I think the problem with sawtooth cutters is that there's a lot of metal in contact with the wood, so the bits overheat if you cut too...