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  1. dedee

    Overdraft Payments

    No problems here either with the Nationwide but you may have to research MTUs if you use their online banking :lol: Andy
  2. dedee

    Safari 4

    I only use Safari on the mac but both V3 and V4 have been faultless over the past 4 or 5 years. Of course there may be a few sites that are perhaps not optimized for Safari but that has never caused me any real problems. Andy
  3. dedee

    Toasty workshop

    That's tough, really tough. These things tend to happen before Christmas so that the financial aspects are cleared up before the year end in March. Xmas +90 days notice period is approx 31st March - year end. Andy
  4. dedee


    Last June I was asked by our local mayor to read the english translation of his speech to the assembled vets at the village memorial. We are only about 3 miles from Pegasus bridge so just about every crossroads and every village has a memorial to the liberators in the early weeks of June 1944...
  5. dedee

    website optimisation

    seems to be working now roger cheers Andy
  6. dedee

    T.V. advert

    Quite normal over here. Costs us about €20 euros to have the privilege of using a so called credit card* which actually saves the banks and shops money processing cheques. (YES you can still use a cheque in EVERY store in France, how weird is that!) *In fact credit cards as we, sorry, you, know...
  7. dedee

    Mekkemikkel's new workshop WIP

    Nice looking working workshop with stunning views. I'd be tempted to spend all by time looking out of the windows. The pictures of the fjords reminds me of my honeymoon spent at Hardangar many years ago. The workshop layout will evolve as you start to use it but looks good to me. Andy
  8. dedee

    Ladybirds, hedgehogs and little owls

    Thanks Alf, it's good to see you're back too. Workking with the children is great for the mojo BTW, you should borrow some and give it a go, might put you back in the creative mood. Cheers Andy
  9. dedee

    Milking parlour to workshop conversion

    nice workshop and I bet very satisfying to have done so much. Makes me feel guilty. Andy
  10. dedee

    Ladybirds, hedgehogs and little owls

    Rob, They could all speak and understand french before we left. The oldest (8) was just starting to read in english as well and she can now read and right equally well in both english and french, even speaks english with a french accent !! The twins (5) speak both languages equally well and are...
  11. dedee

    Ladybirds, hedgehogs and little owls

    with 3 small children working in any workshop is hazardous, it is difficult to keep them all occupied at the same time. Working out side meant I we only had to get out the tools that we needed and when they got a little bored they could wonder off until the next bit needing doing. They were...
  12. dedee

    Ladybirds, hedgehogs and little owls

    I do not get much time to do a lot of woodworking these days but can't refuse a request from the children to make something for the garden. Working outside on the terrace is great with the weather we have had over the past couple of days, although having the workmate at a height the children...
  13. dedee

    1/2 inch baltic birch plywood

    I bought 1/2 birch ply from about 3 years ago now. I am sorry I cannot find the prices but I do remember that their minimum order charge for delivery was only £50 and they accepted COD. The quality was excellent, or good enough for the two chairs I made from it...
  14. dedee

    Scary Sharp Revelation

    If I want a flat blade I like to use scary sharp but when a camber is required there is too much likelihood of the corners digging in and ripping the paper so I use oil and diamond stones. Does the sticky backed paper reduce the tendency to tear? Andy
  15. dedee

    For those not able to visit Westonbirt (BIG)

    So apart from trees what else does Westonbirt have? :wink: Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing I have spent many hours cutting down oversised & inappropriately planted trees from our garden. It is nice to see large trees growing in the right place. Andy
  16. dedee

    Woodworkers websites - specifically, designer/makers

    Matt, Originally Apple first used the i in iMac to signify that it was easy to connect to the Internet. I think it is used elsewhere in the Apple range as a marketing gimmick linking all there products to the design classic that was/is the iMac. Andy
  17. dedee

    Woodworkers websites - specifically, designer/makers

    More cases of technology driving demand. It seems to be that manufacturers of anything linked to IT have to "add value" in order to sell. This normally means far to many functions on all sorts of hardware and software. Having just upgraded to my operating system I have just spent many hours...
  18. dedee

    Which browser do you use? Please help with poll!

    Apple - OSX Safari and Firefox. Andy
  19. dedee

    Our Photography

    Nikon Coolpix 2100 Orchids in a tropical rainforest just outside Honfleur Will I ever get the opportunity/timing right to take this picture again. So near yet so far. Andy
  20. dedee

    Baby proofing

    It's not just your baby you need to consider. Along with the baby with come mother and baby groups and before long the house will be full of a 12 wee ones crawling all over the house. Although I would consider it the responsibility of the parent to look after a baby in someone else's house you...