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    Apart from 'I don't have a belt sander' although I am always on the lookout for reason to buy more tools many of the boards have been cut to facilitate installation of central heating and wiring and so do not fit particularly well as it is. Replacing the lot just seemed to make more sense since...
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    The floorboards along my landing have been up and down like the proverbial. They are now somewhat uneven and cut into short lengths in places so I have taken the decision that while decorating the whole area now would be a good time to replace them, principally so that the new carpet will go...
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    Solid Wood flooring

    Why not lay the groove towards the wall for the first board. The last board will need to be trimmed to fit the width of the room so you will loose the tongue anyway. Andrew
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    Elm on ebay

    Basically John, I have come across too many people who have had problems using Paypal. Usually resulting in accounts being suspended. Sure, I know that they handle a lot of transactions but at the end of the day they are acting as a bank and holding money but are not registered as a bank and...
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    Elm on ebay

    That might explain it. I have never sold via eBay, only bought but I never buy from anyone who insists on Paypal since I do not have (and do not intend getting) an account. If it's an expensive item I will travel to collect, for cheaper items I am prepared to take my chances based on feedback...
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    Elm on ebay

    Never really understood this. Why do people say personal collection only and then only accept paypal? If I was being cynical I would start to suspect that maybe there was something wrong with it and they did not want people refusing to pay when they saw it. Andrew
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    I have Dutchmen, A whole family of them where all the old hinges and catch used to be. The rest is just surface irregularities, dents, chips etc. In retrospect I probably should have replaced the whole frame but that should have been done before the plastering. Andrew[/u]
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    The problem with epoxy for this is exactly that it is harder than the wood. I really need something I can spread around and then sand down - much as I would with Pollyfilla (Spackle?) on walls. What's a Dutchman - other than one who lives in Holland? Andrew
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    BBC iPlayer

    I think the jury's still out on the future of the housing market - too dependent on the economy and how the American's react. However have been predicting it for at least five years so are hardly impartial in that respect. Andrew
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    Not really the subject for a 'serious' woodworking forum but: I normally use a two part epoxy based wood filler for small gaps but I have a much patched door frame - not least that the door has had its direction reversed - that I want to prepare for painting. There are gaps as well as surface...
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    BBC iPlayer

    That was my view before I got it. Demo sets in stores always seemed to be pretty poor - especially sport with lots of movement. But with a wideband aerial and a loft-mounted head-amp so that I can feed multiple sockets I must say that I have been really surprised. The quality [1] is excellent -...
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    BBC iPlayer

    Wasn't it Bill Bailey the comedian on Never Mind the Buzzcocks etc. who said of the iPlayer "What progress? It's almost as good as taping it... on tapes which self destruct in seven days."? Edit: Apparently on 'Have I Got News for You' on 4tthe May last year. I'm sure you can watch again on...
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    Washing Machine - cold fill only?

    I can't give a definitive answer but don't see why not. With modern machines which use less water the likelihood is that the hot will not have run hot before the machine was full in any case. My new machine is cold fill only. An alternative would be a Y adapter in the pipe so that the cold is...
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    Cutting mitres slightly off 45 degrees (LS1013)

    That was quick! I was expecting everyone to be watching the Woodwork Fest on Discovery H+L! However, as to your suggestion that is probably what I would have done except that I don't have a shooting board (I know, I know). However I think it does indirectly give a solution to the problem. I...
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    Cutting mitres slightly off 45 degrees (LS1013)

    I have a series of architraves to fit to doors that are not at exactly 90 degrees. Hence I am going to have to cut the mitres at an angle which is slightly off 45 degrees. My LS1013 SCMS will do this but has defined stops at some angles including 45 so if I try to set it to say, 44.5 degrees...
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    Aldi vacuum bag

    Something like that might do but I am sure I have seen some that use the Vacuvin to remover the air. They would also be available in this country :-)
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    Aldi vacuum bag

    Has anyone come across these with a sort if VacuVin evacuator? It occurred to me that they might be quite good for holiday packing to increase the amount one can get into carry-on luggage so avoiding the surcharge for checking in bags. I was going to get some of these when I saw them last week...
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    Mushroom Plug Spawn Dowells for Logs

    Ahhh, I see. I had missed the fact that it was in the off-topic forum and was envisaging some clever way of producing dowels. you learn something new every day here. Andrew
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    Mushroom Plug Spawn Dowells for Logs

    Care to say more? I for one have looked at the subject title and am none the wiser :-) Sounds interesting though.
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    PVA Woodglue

    Available over here from Axminster and probably several other places as well.