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  1. A

    Floating shelves

    That's them. Thank you. Andrew
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    Floating shelves

    I bought a couple of shelves in a sale last year because it was worth it just for the supports. These were similar to the ones that Colin linked to BUT the support rod extended to the rear of the support as well. This meant that to mount them I had to drill a suitable hole into the wall as well...
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    Problem transferring SU files

    Interestingly enough I had exactly the same problem just yesterday. I had edited a file at work and transferred it to a memory stick to work on at home. On my home PC it reported that it was in use. I opened it as Read Only, did a Save As to a new file. Deleted the old file and renamed the new...
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    Paypal- Closed my account? think i'm a terrorists!

    I don't have Paypal and don't intend to. Too many scare stories for my liking and they seem to be a law unto themselves. However I have noticed recently (particularly on eBay[1]) that a lot of sellers are only accepting Paypal. Seems particularly stupid on eBay because even if I didn't win thae...
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    understanding engineers

    Although I don't think that is entirely true. From memory the Challenger disaster was caused by faulty O rings. The O rings were only there to join the sections of the solid booster rocket together. The rocket only had to be joined because it had to be shipped by rail from Utah. It had to be...
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    Tiling Textures in SU

    Thanks for that Steve. So that's how it's done. I'm kicking myself now. I had realised that I would need to edit the texture to make it seamless but was wondering how to edit both edges at the same time. I hadn't though of cutting it in tow to edit the centre. I am sure that I have seen some...
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    Another FSUT Already. Can You Believe It?

    Now that's what I call good timing. I've been trying to do this but kept putting it off. Is there any source for free tilable textures to cover larger areas? Tiling a small sample looks like - well tiles :-)
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    FSUT Request

    You bet the do. :-) Brightens up a dull Friday as well.
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    Sliding Dovetails

    Ooooh, lots more tools bo buy :-) Or maybe I should stick to my router. Andrew
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    Sliding Dovetails

    I would use a dovetail bit in a router but if you are a true neanderthal how do you cut a sliding dovetail (say 600mm long) with hand tools?
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    Wireless audio

    Of course, if you have a WiFi network you could alway use one of these. Expensive but good for all those 'just want to look it up on Google but can't be bothered to boot up the PC' moments. And, no I don't have one but have been tempted on several occasions. Unfortunately it fails the 'is it...
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    understanding engineers

    Or, of some relevence to woodworking... An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship. The artist said he enjoyed...
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    understanding engineers

    Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said: "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints". Another said: No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections." The...
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    Camcorders and CPU Spec - one for computer techies

    Don't forget that digital video files take something like 13Mb per hour so an 80Gb hard drive is not going to go very far unless you are planning on archiving everything back to tape or burning to DVD as soon as you have finished editing it. A desktop with a BIG hard drive might be a better...
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    Is technology taking us backwards?

    Oh yes they do - right here :-)
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    A beautiful day.

    Noel, I thought NI was in the UK :-) [ducks] Andrew
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    Is technology taking us backwards?

    As far as I am aware any Nikon lens will fit their digital bodies with the possible exception of some of the very early ones. The opposite is not true. There are some lenses designed for digital (the 18-55 that comes as the kit lens is one) that because the digital sensor in these cameras is...
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    Is technology taking us backwards?

    Paul, I agree - to an extent. I have always had two cameras. A simple point and shoot for carrying around with me and a more serious SLR (in my case a Nikon F801 which has been around the world with me) When digital started to emerge I had two levels of technology that I required before I...
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    Rutlands website down?

    Don't some of these places also hold no stock for some items? When you order it is shipped direct from the distributor. I am sure this is what happened when I ordered my Scheppach TS2000. It was delivered direct from NMA. Andrew
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    Heating/plumbing question.

    Yes, boiler thermostat is permanently maxed.