Kalimna,,all that work deserves to make some sweet sounds,,utmost congratulations to you,,it would be good to hear the finished instrument,,maybe Youtube ?.
I have been restoring "el cheapo" electrics since retiring for youngsters to play and I have built a couple of cigar box guitars and know...
Never has a truer word been spoken,,,whether it "s been myself buying a new tool or my wife buying some more shoes,,,,although,,no,,not the wifes shoes
Hi Gaz,,,,
If those paving slabs are a foot square then the logs are about that size, they sure look like nice pieces of wood, but you need to hop on it a bit to seal the ends "cos if it is cherry, in my experience it splits like a bu,,er,, I got some plum logs recently that look very...
Hi Mick,,Great tip about the wallpaper scraper,,I tried it and it worked a treat,,
I"m going to use the sticky mount more often, but we are off to Australia for a bit
so no turning for a while,, will go to popsshed in Melbourne to "talk turning" to
stop the...
Rich,,,hi,,I planed and stuck the bottom to the block on the faceplate so I am doing inside and the outside all at this fixing,,,hope that makes sense !
and Many thanks Spindle "cos the threads I read before giving it a go are mainly yours !!!!
I did true up the block before fixing the blank...
Hello Preston, Not firewood,,there has got to be someone who will make something of that little lathe and I recently used my old uncles mitre shooter,, I hope some one here will save them from a fiery grave.
Hello all woodspinners,,
Sometimes you just have to give it a go and see what happens.
I read up your threads on the subject and took your advice.
So off into the shed and put up a 6inch blank on a face plate to which I hot melt glued a blank of lime 13inches dia; by 3inch thick supported by...
'Oh, that's Paddy. He was struck by lightning.'
'So why's he smiling!'
'He thought he was having his photo taken.'
OK so Paddy and Murphy are fair game,,,,,here we go
Paddy phones an advertising magazine and asks "how much is it to advertise?"
The lady replies "50p an inch"
Oh says Paddy...
The wife just came in and said if she catches me on that UKWorkshop forum again she will bang my head against the keyboarcchhidbfmjeyhgfijnnxcnlwudhkxkiyajhkutysjuasdnutwhkyjh782ngx hsransigh
Earlier Coronets were 1/2inch whit and later ones had 5/8 BSF, which I think is your one.
Dickm is right about a phone call to Derek Pyatt.
Please post up a picture or two of the restoration.
Hello Grahamshed,
Mines a Patriot in a shed only heated when i"m in it and in 5 years the chuck has no rust on it,,,I throw a couple of sheets over the lathe when i have finished,,,I use it quite a bit and that helps to keep it shiny.
The 2inch jaws it came with have done bowls up to 10inch...
Keep the Anusol in your back pocket, keep the Autosol in your hankie pocket, keep the Germolene by the bench grinder, keep the toothpaste behind your ear and just keep the Vagisil handy.