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  1. D

    Boot floor for Yeti

    The 15 year old Golf estate really is getting a bit decrepit, so have just bought a Yeti to replace it as the more recent Golfs have those stupid electronic parking brakes and are quite a bit longer than the Mk4. BUT, the build quality of the Yeti isn't that brilliant and a particular bugbear...
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    Wood identification

    True, but has it actually been TREATED, or is that just discolouration from water ingress? (I don't know!)
  3. D

    Wood identification

    Cant really tell from the cross section, but my immediate reaction was pitch pine (Pinus strobus?) which was used extensively for beams and for finer work in Victorian times. It has that stark contrast between summer and winter growth. Also smells gorgeous when being worked. Used a lot for...
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    Pinning a handle - how to drill HSS?

    Haven't tried it, but what about a diamond burr in a Dremel?
  5. D

    Router for dovetail Jigs

    Assuming the Trend collet is just a rebadged version of those for the old Elu OF97, it's worth looking on Fleabay. Got a couple of genuine Elu stock for my OF97 that way at a very reasonable price.
  6. D

    Beggining woodworking, the first hurdles. Also howdy :)

    A bit off the wall, but the Elu/deWalt flipover saw can be both and (IMHO) the Elu version is remarkably accurate. Heavy, but if you can find a place where you can use both facilities, it doesn't take up too much room Definitely +1 for that. There is still some excellent kit out there/
  7. D

    Collection and Delivery of a Big Table saw.

    Was also going to suggest Landylift. He specialises in heavy workshop machinery moving.
  8. D

    Record Power Coronet Herald Heavy Duty Cast Iron Electronic

    Not in the market for one, but interesting that they seem to think it worth reviving the Coronet name.
  9. D

    Poolewood 28/40 lathe

    Just a thought - what's the largest diameter heat shrink insulation that is available? If you can get any big enough, slide it over the body of the cap and far enough to cover some of the wiring, then apply heat?
  10. D

    Apple wood for turning

    Any plans to replant? Still hope it's not just going for another patch of "executive detacheds", or arable.
  11. D

    Apple wood for turning

    Awful pity to lose another old orchard. No chance you could rejuvenate it for fruit production, rather than giving another opportunity for import of inferior varieties of apple?
  12. D

    Lidl Track Saw

    Yes........ but that's still more than I paid for the saw!
  13. D

    Lidl Track Saw

    Old-ish thread, I know, but having only now got round to seriously using my secondhand Lidl tracksaw, it's become relevant and it didn't seem worth starting a new thread. Solved the clamping problemn even cheaper with some pieces of C-shaped steel channel and a bit of welding, which has worked...
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    help with chopping board

    Whatever finish or lack of finish is chosen, make sure you have TWO chopping boards, one for meat or veg that will be properly cooked and a separate one for anything that might be eaten uncooked.
  15. D

    Dave's Metal Stuff

    Super work, but WHO butchered the table on that pillar drill? Don't think I've ever seen one that bad!
  16. D

    Run out on lathe chuck

    Grandmothers, eggs and all that, but is your mate remembering it's the plain regaster and the shoulder of the spindle that dictates alignment/runout, not the thread? From repeated experience making adaptors, unless the nose of the metalworking lathe replicates that of the Grad (unlikely) you...
  17. D

    Dave's Metal Stuff

    That IS ingenious. One to file away in the unreliable memory cells for future reference.
  18. D

    Carved Human Hand in Lime

    Like others have said, fantastic. Just wish my actual hand was as good :( .
  19. D

    XR 18v DeWalt jigsaw

    Slightly off topic, but does anyone else have problems with the blade holder on the deWalt jigsaw? Mine is a complete pig to release; the jaws seem to stick in the holder and can only be released with a punch tapped on the exposed ends. Its slightly better if the lock/release handle on top is...