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  1. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Yep this is pretty much it. Are these 3D printed plastic ones strong enough to not give flex like my plywood part did?
  2. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Hi thanks, I did eventually manage to get the chuck off, with difficulty. I had to grip the pulley inside the top tightly, put a rod in the chuck key hole and hit it with a big hammer to twist it off. The inner barrel of the chuck is smooth and keys into a slight taper coming from the drive...
  3. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Yeah I use it for drilling mortises
  4. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Update 2. I made a replacement part out plywood, but at the end of the travel at the depth stop, there’s a bit of flex in the ply such that it will give a few mm which isn’t great for accurately drilling hole depth. Will probably need to make it out of metal to mitigate that.
  5. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Update, the plastic drill collar is utter rubbish, the bolt hole just fatigued and cracked meaning if you applied a bit of pressure on the stop the bolt would pop out. Because this is a cheap piece of Chinese junk it appears the chuck is not a MT and must be fixed - there’s no way to remove...
  6. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    I like this idea, makes it a bit easier to set the depth stop, never liked spinning the two nuts to set the stop
  7. J

    Chair leg reinforcement + rocker base

    Thanks for the advice! The legs should be the same front and back, as they were added ‘aftermarket’ with those angled metal brackets, and as such I can widen the base by screwing those into a slightly different place. I’ll make a prototype and see how I get on! I’ll add the braces anyway...
  8. J

    Chair leg reinforcement + rocker base

    Hi all, I bought a B&Q armchair years ago for a big discount as it was missing a base and at the time bought some metal angled attachment brackets and screwed in some repurposed staircase spindles. It’s lived in a corner since then and held up to plenty of abuse. I would like to add some...
  9. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Thanks I’ll give the Milliput idea a go and if that doesn’t work make a new part from plywood
  10. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Thanks for the suggestion. I don’t want to spend too much money on fixing as eventually this drill will want changing to something better.
  11. J

    Ideas to fix pilar drill

    Hi, Sadly the depth stop on my Clark drill press has broken off! It appears that only a thin bit of plastic was holding the threaded rod onto the housing. Wondering if anyone has some bright ideas on how to fix it, hopefully an idea that would last not just a quick fix I could reuse the...
  12. J

    Vintage Brass Chandelier?

    Just don’t hire Delboy and Rodney Trotter!
  13. J

    Slot mortiser / poor man’s Festool domino

    Yeah it’s Mathias who I have stole the idea from! His is an excellent bit of kit with a screw adjusted height, something I’d like to replicate for MK2. The makita router seemed fine cutting into hardwood with 40mm tenons (20-25mm cut depth), maybe if I used beefier tenons and had a bigger cut...
  14. J

    Selling advice

    Also had my iPad set up on slideshow showcasing past work so people could see what I’ve done
  15. J

    Selling advice

    Just spoke to a couple who were getting married soon and talked about the things I’ve made previously like cake stands, groomsmen gifts, pictures hoops etc and commissions was a charcuterie board. No specifics, but gave indication of what can be done and contact details so we’ll see what comes up
  16. J

    Selling advice

    Cheers all for your support. Didn’t have a huge amount of time to prepare given the notice, but managed to get a SumUp card reader - which was worth it as half the sales went through that and half cash. Top seller was the bottle openers, it was a good amount of money to part with (£10) and...
  17. J

    Selling advice

    Very good points re: transfer, I’ll download the sumup app, I didn’t realise you could accept payments via tapping on the iPhone I always assumed you had to have a card reader. I guess for chip+pin you do but it’s only small value contactless at this event
  18. J

    Selling advice

    Thanks I’ll try out the zettle app
  19. J

    Selling advice

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, appreciate it! I’ve been informed that most people who go to this take cash, which is fortunate as there’s probably not enough time for a card reader and new bank account to be set up before Saturday morning. I could always ask for an instant bank transfer...
  20. J

    Selling advice

    Bit of an update, I mentioned my small business to someone at a dinner meeting this week and have managed to convince them to let me set up shop at their beer festival this weekend and again at a local craft event a few months from now. Only problem is it doesn’t give me a huge amount of time...