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  1. L

    Buying wood online

    Hi Folks, Does anyone know of any place in the UK that sells wood online and is willing to ship out of country (to France)? Not sure if that would make sens financially, but hey, they do ship out table saws :) Or any place that sells wood online that I could check out myself (I found British...
  2. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Well, I've decided to go ahead and get the saw, and then see how it goes and go from there. If I need to call in an electrician that shouldn't be too major of a change. Better than to live with regret :) Thanks all for the help and advice!
  3. L

    Xcalibur saw

    Yes, I want the Deft and it is the best deal by far. I was just trying to find a solution that would be a bit lighter and a bit less power hungry. Having to call in an electrician would not fit into my budget. That said, the Deft is a saw that will probably match or exceed my needs or wants forever.
  4. L

    Xcalibur saw

    It's just hard to find out anything about that saw really. The owner doesn't seem very responsive via email and information is hard to get. Photos are lacking and the descriptions don't seem accurate. I see mentions of a metal guard but it is plastic on the photo, and other discrepancies.
  5. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Thanks DeeJay. I still don't have a definite word on this from the French forum but someone seems to say the breaker should handle that type of load and that what they call "D curve" here would be for much higher load. So, still no definite word. I will look into this some more and perhaps...
  6. L

    Xcalibur saw

    Hi Matt, is that 805 the equivalent to their current "contractor" type model? I've seen references here to 805, 804 etc... but that doesn't correspond to anything they are selling now.
  7. L

    Xcalibur saw

    Thanks :) Anyone with some experience with that particular one? I've searched through the forums but I've seen references mostly to the bigger one and seen several threads where it's hard to make out exactly which saw we are talking about, with different guards, different fences etc... Ideally...
  8. L

    Xcalibur saw

    Thanks, I checked those out but I really want something "bigger" and mostly all cast iron without sliding table...Also looking for at least 1.5hp. Looking for the saw that will last me longer than the time it takes to pay it off :)
  9. L

    Xcalibur saw

    Hi Folks, Does anyone have a point of view on the TC10RAA saw from Xcalibur? It's a "contractor" saw. I have been pretty gung-ho on the Deft T30 from Lyndhurst but I'm also researching the possibility of getting a good saw that would be of a more manageable size and power. I'm partial to...
  10. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    The breakers look like the C type on that page, although not identical. I looked up the French MF 716 and I'm really not sure if our "courbe C" corresponds to the Type C in the UK. It looks like the French "courbe D" is what is generally needed for motor applications. I asked a quesiton on a...
  11. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Thanks for the reassurance :) Yes, we're running a good size electrical (with halogen) stove in the kitchen on the 32A plug, along with all the usual equipment. I also already have a table saw in the place where the new one will be. That said, that TS is a 1.5kW model with a horribly loud brush...
  12. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Thanks Steve. While I live in Brittany, my house is not rural. It's actually a town house right downtown. As far as I can tell, the electrical installation is just regular and relatively modern. The whole electrical system was entirely redone 10 years ago. Is there a way to tell for sure? There...
  13. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Not sure if it's the part number but I can read "MF 716 436716 a" at the bottom. David
  14. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Thanks for your responses guys. I didn't know that the plugs have their own breakers. That said, I have identified that in the room where my tools will be, half of the sockets are connected to one 16A breaker on the main panel and the other half on another 16A breaker (they also connected some...
  15. L

    Help/info about 16a plug

    Hi folks, I am hoping someone here will be able to share some info on this. I guess it's more of an electrical issue. I'm in France and planning to outfit a workshop soon. Having recently moved from the US, I am way more into "cabinet" type saws than what we find here (and there isn't much...