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  1. C

    Setting up a new TV

    Two pints and I'm anyone's digital Peach!
  2. C

    Setting up a new TV

    A bit OTT but granted I take the less than subtle hint. Paul, you mentioned that you tried both 'terminals' on the dish, these are called LNBs and only one receiver at a time can connect to an LNB ie your Sky+ box must be connected to a different LNB than the Freesat box is connected to. So...
  3. C

    Setting up a new TV

    That is not strictly true wizer, provided that the digital receiver has a got a solid baseband lock then the forward error correction (FEC) built into the DVB-T modulation scheme will help a lot in comparision to analogue reception (no FEC). However, I agree that until the analogue spectrum is...
  4. C

    Setting up a new TV

    Reading between the lines, I assume that when you say terrestrial, you mean analogue terrestrial. Hence, I believe your concept of 'going digital' seems to be unaware that there are digital terrestrial broadcasts that can usually be received with your existing analogue aerial. So no, you...
  5. C

    Best circular saw size for cutting rafers? 190mm or 230mm

    Is that the woody equivalent of teenage peer pressure?
  6. C

    Setting up a new TV

    Could still be the dish - has it been knocked or wind blown recently? Possibly worth checking it for correct elevation at the very least. You say that you connected the FS-box at the dish end (thus eliminating the long cable run as a potential problem) so perhaps you could repeat that test but...
  7. C

    Mr (ex) speaker Martin

    Quite possibly since they get a ~£30K repatriation allowance (tax free) to help them settle back into civillian life! B@st@rds!
  8. C

    Turning my shed in to a workshop - part 2

    I'm currently automating my extraction, I decided to use a whistle activated key ring to switch a relay on the mains input to the extractor. This may seem a bit OTT but remotes and/or pull-cords aren't particularly convenient when you have a large lump of oak in your hands. If I get it working...
  9. C


    You poor thing! I hope the recovery goes to plan. Thanks for your courage and honesty in posting this - a lesson to all of us. Good luck, C
  10. C

    workshop and tools insurance

    There was a recent discussion on this here: although there didn't seem to be a defacto answer - risk mitigation is a personal thing I guess... HTH, C
  11. C

    Bandsaw Blades

    That is a great tip Chas - I live in Ross and never knew they existed! Where in the Cotswolds are you? I used to live in Chalford Hill, between Stroud and Cirencester and have many fond memories of enjoying the countryside there. Thanks, C
  12. C

    Time Gentlemen!!

    No, it is an individual option as specified in your profile. HTH, C
  13. C

    Step Stool in Brown Oak - Finished

  14. C

    bandsaw help please

    Links still aren't working... I've linked to D&M if that helps:
  15. C

    The house of the 'not-too-distant' future

    Roger, Forget distributed audio/video since just look at how the current generation of under 35s consume such material - they watch what they want, when they want to watch it (video on demand). The likes of 4OD, IPlayer etc have revolutionised personalised viewing/listening habits so I very...
  16. C

    Said Goodbye to Samwise today

    My thoughts are with you and your family Dave. Burying our elderly Dalmatian Pebbles, who suffered the same ailment as Samwise was, bar my young cousin's funeral, the saddest experience I've ever had and I'm not ashamed to say that I blubbed like a child. You did the right thing, their...
  17. C

    Concrete Base for Lathe ?

    I'm with Brian if all you want is 18mm - easier to lift the lathe on to the ply sheet than the studs. You might need to take a masonry chisel to the worst of the unevenness on the floor otherwise the ply may rock/warp.
  18. C

    linear metres into cubic feet.

    100m of 100mm x 25mm ash 100mm = 10cm = 0.1m 25mm = 2.5cm = 0.025m volume = 100m x 0.1m x 0.025m = 0.25m3
  19. C

    Concrete Base for Lathe ?

    Have you considered flooding the whole workshop with self levelling compound or is that impractical?
  20. C

    Concrete Base for Lathe ?

    Drill a few holes (~10) and glue some 8-12mm threaded bar cut to a length that will leave them just below the finished surface of your plinth - these will prevent creep. Then use some chemical etchant (from screwfix) to remove the film of dirt from the existing floor. Also, unless you expertly...