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  1. Niimus

    Scroll saw won't fit in bottle...

    This is roughly what the ship is modeled on ... Though I should have looked at the piccies before starting :( The original details and plan came from this book...
  2. Niimus

    Scroll saw won't fit in bottle...

    For my latest project I decided to try my hand at a ship in a bottle. Trouble is a 30", 52kg Excalibur won't fit the 500ml Sloe Gin Bottle :) I made a jig for drilling 0.7mm holes in cocktail sticks by drilling a block of wood from the side and then cutting in with the scroll saw to provide...
  3. Niimus


    The font can be downloaded here ...
  4. Niimus

    computer advice please?

    You might want to add Gimp as well as Inkscape ... Also Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF's Microsoft Office is seldom required for Scroll saw stuff :) but whatever else you need it for will define which version you require Martin
  5. Niimus

    Wood supply for scroll sawing

    Yeah - I know you can't find ply or pine sheet on the homebase web-site - I just see it in store at Derby, Kinsway...
  6. Niimus

    Wood supply for scroll sawing

    try Hoobycraft ... 69136-1000 and ... ry=plywood
  7. Niimus

    Wood supply for scroll sawing

    Hobbycraft prices are pretty high - but the quality is good - Homebase sell larger sheets of ply which work out cheaper but you need to check they are not warped - an 8'x4' sheet of ply from fletchers costs £18.00 which is by far the cheapest but they may charge delivery... P.S. Homebase also...
  8. Niimus

    Wood supply for scroll sawing

    I use mostly ply - 1/8" or greater which can be had from Homebase or Hobbycraft. There's a timber yard in Nottingham that advertises bundles of offcuts on E-bay - but you'd need to search for them. For larger sheets of ply (8' x 4') I get mine from Fletchers Timber Yard at Station Road, Spondon...
  9. Niimus

    Another for the cat lovers - no pattern

    My take on the cat - scrolled and carved
  10. Niimus

    Another for the cat lovers - no pattern

    @BugBear - wood carving gouges .... :)
  11. Niimus

    Scroll saw recomendation ?

    Seems some shops still have supplies of the Excalibur range - just none available from the web-site...
  12. Niimus

    Scroll saw recomendation ?

    Looking at the axminster site seems they are discontinuing the Excalibur range ...
  13. Niimus

    Craft Groups

    @AES - this site might be worth looking at ... - although some of the articles are quite old ...
  14. Niimus

    Craft Groups

    @AES It surprises me you can't find anyone it that area - considering all the clock makers. Have you tried looking over the borders - to Freiburg or Mulhouse for instance ? I used to live in Freiburg myself and often travelled down to Basel at weekends. regards, Martin
  15. Niimus

    Staining wood for intarsia

    Crimson Guitars (google) have a series of wood stains - including white...
  16. Niimus

    For my Valentine

    I cut the heart from 18mm pine using this pattern: Then cut 2 (stacked) pieces of 1/8 ply having drawn round the outside of the pine hearts. After gluing I used the dremel to sand down the ply top and bottom pieces to match the sides. As for the flexi-drive - I've used nothing else since I...
  17. Niimus

    For my Valentine

    Tried making a heart shaped box as a potential valentines gift and here are the results... P.S. For 50 years I have been looking at Dremels thinking 'I could do with one of those...' finally got one today .... OMFG 50 wasted years .... Martin
  18. Niimus

    Doggy Portraits

    I found some here ... ... -pets.html
  19. Niimus

    Air compressors

    Maybe this one .... ... sor-501083
  20. Niimus

    How can I joint wood like this ?

    I don't have a router yet - it's on the shopping list but Ben Crmson Guitars swears by the Radian cutters and he certainly cuts a lot of hardwood ... ... Ws1agg3tEQ