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  1. T

    British Woodworking - Issue No.5

    Well I enjoyed reading this months BWW. I find it informative and it caters very well for my current level of experience. Sounds to me that as Lataxe is such a good woodworker, that the projects featured are below him and his english is so brilliant he should be contributing to the magazine...
  2. T

    Woodex 08

    Just back from my visit to woodex (1h20 drive either way) and I am pleased to say that I had an enjoyable 3 hours looking round. As a turner, I was pleased with the displays of peoples work and the numerous demos on offer and would have been happy to pay a modest entrance fee (although free is...
  3. T

    Trouble with dust

    Thanks for your replys everyone. Looks like I will be getting a respirator and doing a darth vader impression! The extractor fan sounds like a good idea Chas, luckily it can eject out into a field so will not bother anyone.
  4. T

    Trouble with dust

    Hi everyone, this is my first post so please be gentle! Thought I'd start with an easy question for all you old hands! I've just started turning and now after building myself a workshop (read shed) I'm really enjoying learning, the problem is dust. What method of protection/removal is best? I...