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  1. Steliz

    TV Headphones recommendations

    Neither have I.
  2. Steliz

    TV Headphones recommendations

    I've been using Anker Soundcore Life Q30 for a few years and I have no complaints. I have the same higher frequency gaps with my hearing which means I can't hear higher pitch voices/noises and I am not able to hear conversations in noisy environments. They are Bluetooth, have a good battery...
  3. Steliz

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    In an effort to use up some of the small bits of wood that collect in my workshop and to build up some stock for an upcoming craft fair here are a few knick knacks.
  4. Steliz

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Ronniel, that's very nice. It has a bit of Mondrian about it.
  5. Steliz

    Do you add a vent to your cabinets?

    I don't think I've ever owned a wardrobe where the doors were such a tight fit that an extra vent was needed to allow the doors to open without fighting against the air pressure inside.
  6. Steliz

    Record Power AC 400 air filter mounting

    In my last workshop which was in the basement I had mine mounted to the ceiling as you have described and there was no problem.
  7. Steliz

    Post pics of what you saw and admired

    I recently paid a visit to the national gallery in Budapest and this piece in particular caught my eye. I thought I had taken better pictures than this but the detail is amazing.
  8. Steliz

    Best value Dremel / Rotary Tool

    I use the Dremel 3000 for my carvings. It works very well and has enough power. I rarely turn the speed up to max as about halfway works just fine for me.
  9. Steliz

    Victory Chuck

    I use an Axminster 100K and an Record SC4. The Ax has got Cole jaws on it and I use the SC4 with my dovetail jaws and I occasionally consider getting another Record chuck but only because I am lazy to change the jaws between small. This looks the same as the SC4 other than having the extendable...
  10. Steliz

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I would describe my wood stock as a collection of off-cuts which is fine as I generally make small items. When I make something I create my own off-cuts which are fairly small but I don't like to throw anything away so they end up in a box collecting dust. Finally, I decided to do something...
  11. Steliz

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I made a few of these a couple of years ago and they were quite popular as gifts so I made some more.
  12. Steliz

    What was Your Favourite inexpensive workshop item of 2024

    In the Q&A it tells you that it is a scam.
  13. Steliz

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I had a pile of used Oak skirting boards that I processed into useable planks and I decided to make a few boxes while I was at it. Oak trinket boxes with Walnut lining and (possibly) Myrtle veneered lids.
  14. Steliz

    I carved a whale

    A babies first reaction to anything is to put it in it's mouth so I'm questioning why you think giving a baby a rough piece of wood with splinters sticking out of it and coated in a non-food safe finish is a good idea.