Recent content by SimonStevensCanes

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  1. SimonStevensCanes

    Makers Central 2025 Help !

    I have exhibited the past 3 years. My experience with the stand first year was a total disaster and was corrected in later years. I lose money each year, and I'm always disappointed by the lack of actual makers. I exhibit my sticks, but I also take my custom jigs and machines that I've...
  2. SimonStevensCanes

    How Unsafe Is it?? Extension leads etc

    I'm definitely not advising, but it sounds pretty safe to me. That said, I will share an anecdote. I had an office in Manchester some years ago in an old mill with lip service paid to modern electrics, we had a very limited number of sockets available. We ended up running extension leads to...
  3. SimonStevensCanes

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    that's a beautiful bowl, is it walnut? What was your process for the inlay, it looks like you've got some wide bits, and it seems to intrude into the wood grain in places. Is that a result of applying pressure (possibly during sanding?), I assume you didn't melt the silver?
  4. SimonStevensCanes

    Ebonising oak

    I'm curious about the durability of that chopping board, presumably it'll need re-blackening periodically?
  5. SimonStevensCanes

    Ebonising oak

    Matt Estlea used a combination of ebonising and Black Rubio Monocoat to get a truly black finish in this video...
  6. SimonStevensCanes

    Lathe choice at £1000

    if you're just learning now, I definitely don't think you want to be thinking about the next 30 years, maybe 3. You don't know what you like yet. You may think that it's all about bowls, but you may get hooked on small boxes, or Christmas decorations, or spinning tops. Buy something decent...
  7. SimonStevensCanes

    Folding sawhorse idea

    I bought these from screw fix They won't be super strong/stable without support between the legs, and they're a little finicky to deploy but they fold up very small, and I've been very happy with them for the price.
  8. SimonStevensCanes

    MFT-style vs. Trad-style workbench design (is there a middle ground??)

    Sheet material, plunge saw and low barrier to entry. Festool popularised it, but the cheaper alternatives achieve the same outcome. Domino specifically is nice, but the alternatives are numerous and easy enough that I wouldn't consider it a requirement.
  9. SimonStevensCanes

    Stock too thin for hinges

    It looks like there might be enough meat to file the hinges down a bit on either side. 0.5-0.75mm on both sides would allow you to butt the hinge up to the inside edge of the box, leaving it exposed and leave 1-1.5mm wood on the outside edge.
  10. SimonStevensCanes

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I have some Kiaat, that seems plausible.
  11. SimonStevensCanes

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Lovely box Tom, what's the wood?
  12. SimonStevensCanes

    Organisation and workflow

    Funny timing on this thread, I had a bit of a revelation yesterday about this subject. I've been really really struggling with confidence and motivation in the workshop for nearly exactly 1 year. I felt it all slip away last September and for the most part it's been completely gone, albeit...
  13. SimonStevensCanes

    What has happened to my oak post?

    Solitary bees use holes to rear their young in if I understand correctly, or maybe it's just overwintering. Anyway, you'll often find any deep holes have been covered over, or the remnants of a covered over hole that has been eaten out of. That's what the bamboo poles in "bee/insect hotels"...
  14. SimonStevensCanes

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Finally finished a pair of folding Adirondack chairs. Built using April Wilkerson's plans in English Oak. I built the one on the right first to check the plans. Staggering that a month longer in the British weather would affect that oil finish so much. Needs another coat or 2.
  15. SimonStevensCanes

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    Honestly I got bored and moved on. Actually that's probably not true. I discovered that the 3mm mdf I was using was too weak (so easy to break just by brushing past in the wrong direction) and too light to rely on the weight for security. Picking up something would often result in a small...