Recent content by Sean33

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  1. S

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Beautiful work
  2. S

    Wax finishing oak veneer in a light colour.

    Workshop heaven sell Alfie Shine, the smell for me is amazing.
  3. S

    Climate change policy

    Excuse my ignorance but I don’t get this, you are still going to have the same degradation if not more so if all the cars are EV’s ?
  4. S

    Which cyclone Dust Extractor. 1K budget

    There is an Axminster one for sale here along with some other nice looking machines
  5. S

    Parquet Floor Restoration Issue

    I was going to say exactly the same, from the images you can’t tell if there is a dip in the floor there. I would put a straight edge over it to see
  6. S

    Timber suppliers in Essex

    EO Burton in Brentwood, generally do not stock exotics but they have got me them in the past. If you are after anything other than the norm I would suggest exotic timbers(timberline) in Kent or Surrey timbers
  7. S

    Kelvin Power Tools??

    I have bought from them before, very good service. I called them at just before 4pm which I think is there cut off for next day delivery, got all ordered over the phone and was with me the next day
  8. S

    Buying a fully electric used car

    I was in a similar position,I thought 2nd hand values seemed very compelling. Fortunately I have a friend in the trade, his response was do not do it. When I asked why the following reasons were given - most have been ex company cars, charging should be done as manufacturer says, I doubt most...
  9. S

    US Election November 5th

    Experienced Lawyer ! Not sure an experienced lawyer would have left himself as open with all the gifts he has received ‘within the law’ obviously ..! Did a great job with the rail union !
  10. S

    I never thought that I'd say this but ...

    Can I ask why you do not think this is useful to the debate ?
  11. S

    Keir Starmer

    Thanks, much appreciated
  12. S

    Keir Starmer

    Can you tell me how you do that, stick people on ignore ?
  13. S

    US Election November 5th

    Thought this was interesting!
  14. S

    Who's got it better US or UK Woodworkers?

    If you are looking for a hands on course I would thoroughly recommend John Lloyd, he does several weekend, week courses and if you have the time a I think it is 6 months
  15. S

    No Fault Evictions

    It would also be interesting to see the questions put forward. In a previous life I have seen many questionnaires with for example 1) have you in the last 3 years had instance of mould - answer yes or no 2) was the mould remedied - answer yes or no 3) has there been an occurrence since...