What is the last useful thing you did with a chisel?


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What goes around comes around.
7 Jul 2010
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What is the last useful thing you did with a chisel i.e. work, not just sharpening or fiddling?
There's a lot of them around - I just wondered what people actually do with them. If you aren't carving, dovetailing or morticing, chisels seem only to have a tiny role.
Personally I last used one (2" axminster cheapo) for chopping/paring out the throat of a wooden plane, having just added a new sole, but this doesn't really count as work as it was just hobby tool fiddling ('tool research' as I call it).
In terms of work I used the same chisel to chop out a 9 x 1 1/"2 joist end which I couldn't get at any other way (steelwork in the way).
So what did you do last?

Reason for asking - I wondered about what to set up as a realistic chiselly job for a forthcoming sharpening demo.
The last thing I did with a chisel was cut the hole in the top of a turned money box. Prior to that I was cutting the waste out of a housing joint.
Notched some sleepers that eventually became part of the back door step. Having said that, SWMBO may have used one of my chisels since then to chop some housings.
Oh, and I used one to sharpen a pencil at the weekend.
Chopping stretcher mortices in the wife's dressing table stool that I am making for her.

Cleaned out the stringers of a staircase and reshaped the nosings on Friday morning
Then had to shave 5mm from the blockwork with it

Used a 3/4" (lie nielsen A2) for latter part of last week, to tidy up 80 tenons - between cheeks and shoulders where Ts/bandsaw cuts had been stopped slightly short of corners. It's far and away my most "go-to" chisel.
Today with my irwin 1 1/4'' it was used to remove plaster/ impact board/ skirting/ architraves :-"
I've not made much for a while, but I could not have done these without chisels:



or these


or these


which needed these

Today I split off some half laped joints (@ home), last week (@ work) was chopping holes through 20l paint tin lids/prying plywood sheets/scraping vinyl logos off steel panels.
Paring chisel for clearing off some old glue and some grotty bits of veneer on some doors I'm repairing and an 1 1/4 jap chisel for trimmimg the veneer round a few drawer fronts.

Been buisily chiselly today :D
Under cut some tenon shoulders

cleaned off the end of a turned thing after parting off

sharpened a pencil

picked one up and walked around with it wishing my garage wasn't so cold
Pared down to rough shape a windsor chair back frame repair. Used vintage 1/2 inch by 14 inch long Stormont paring chisel with boxwood handle