Your two lines of text pushed me to reply. I am not being critical of you just irritated.
Your excuse of "years of development" is just rhubarb. A typical one liner response from those inexperienced in design and build of tools like this.
Time from idea to product. Less than 6 months.
First design.....2 weeks
First prototype....mere days
Second/third prototypes via Lean design principles...mere days
First production hack..1 week
Second and third production hacks....2 weeks
Quality assure....1 week
Cost minimisation 2 weeks
First 100 off....3 days at most
How do I know this. 49 yrs working from degreed engineer to Director of Product Development and Innovation at a global engineering company.
Far too often we excuse the inexcusable and do not challenge things. Most people are scared to challenge anything.
As an example. Festool. I once took apart a Festool drill out of curiosity and found the following:-
Parts designed not to be serviceable so once broken the drill had to be replaced...deliberately built in obsolescence
Cheap bearings
OK motor but nothing above average
OK gears and chuck
Cheap standard market power control/voltage control
Other low cost only average quality parts
BUT Festool has a rep next to God so they must be good. The drill in question was mine.
To excuse over pricing, poor design and poor quality in anything is to be a mug. I would rather not purchase such tat and will not excuse it.
I own 3 Katsu routers. I smile when the Makita clone theory is trotted out. Its utter BS. The Katsu design was around before Makita was interested. Makita took the early design and maybe added a few items to the device eg colours/logo maybe the motor. Katsu shifted from supplier to router vendors eg DeWalt/Makita/B&D and others to a direct reseller to wholesale distributors as well. A smart business move. Makita continue to pretend that their router was designed by the whole Makita engineering knowledge base. Not true.
So is Makita better than the Katsu they copied. Possibly. But I'm not buying one to tear it down to find out.
Is Makita price of around £120 giving £85 better value than Katsu. Not on your life.