!!! --- FLY'S ---!!!


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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
What is it with FLY'S :evil:

I only have to open any outside door and its like they a queuing up to get in :twisted:

Leave the door open to empty the bin or get the post or hang a few item on the washing line , come back in and I have at least 3 inside , then spend the next 10 mins chasing them around the house with the fly spray

Bloody things :roll: drive me crackers

Who left that door open?
Hudson Carpentry":2fvgb7hz said:
I hate the things with a passion. Im a hard person to wind up but a fly does so quicker than anything else.

An broken elastic band is the best weapon against them. Sooner or later they settle. And if you are very careful you can get close enough. This somewhat disproves the theory that to a fly, all other physical things move in slow motion. Unless the fly senses your approach, the elastic band works every time. A bit messy, but thorough! :wink:
Dibs-h":35tbsbfa said:
Get some spiders! We have loads in the house - flies tend not to last very long. LOL!

Very true Dibs, but like the 'Fuzz', there's not usually one around when you need one. They tend to operate 'covertly'. (They eat wood-boring beetles too BTW! So I leave them be in the shop.)

Practically speaking, any fly that gets into the house usually makes for the windows; trying to get out. So if I do get pestered by a bluebottle (Or a 'meat-fly' as me old Mum used to call them), I draw the curtains, bar the bit over the casement. It usually works. They go for the light and they're more easily trapped , sprayed, or let out again.

This might help but needs to be read long after you've eaten.


HTH :) 8)
I find tea towels or kids clothing wiped at them works best and rarely makes a mess, works good mid flight too. They tend to fall to the floor/cil and await disposal. My dog hates them as much as me for what seems the same reason. He gets frustrated when there buzzing about. Upon a fly entering a room be become an unspoken tag team and have a bond. I knock the thing down to snout level and he torments the deserving thing to death. Upon success he even comes for a well done stroke.

As for letting them back out again, not an option it must die.
The best tool in the house is a hoover, SWMBO is an expert at taking them out of mid air, me I have to wait until they land and sneak up on them. Try it, it's a much better way then fly spray or splatter :D


Mike.C":lcdkp3dz said:
The best tool in the house is a hoover, SWMBO is an expert at taking them out of mid air, me I have to wait until they land and sneak up on them
That is great and what is even more fun is watching them get really dizzy as they hurtle around the inside of the dyson. They must feel like James Bond did in Moonraker in that g force simulator.

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