Yankee screwdrivers & Hex Bits


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Established Member
26 Nov 2004
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I know the subject has come up in the past so some of you may be interested in whats on the front cover of Rutlands latest Summer 07 catalogue that arrived today.

They are doing three sizes of spiral screwdrivers that take 1/4" hex bits :D the only downside seems to be that the holder is part of the screwdriver so you will need to buy a complete unit :(

Jason, that is a monstrous stealth gloat - you get your post delivered in the morning?! :shock: [-( :lol:

I noticed those amongst their new products but found myself insufficiently moved to ditch my 60-yr-old-plus North Bros. Yankees in favour of hex-bit compatibility. Maybe there's hope for me yet...

Cheers, Alf
Perhaps that will be a sufficient kick up the bum for CK ond others to bring back the adaptors for the ordinary Yankees - but somehow I doubt it :roll:

Cheers :wink:

I made my own hex bit adaptor out of a spare magnetic bit holder. I don't have a lathe so I chucked the bit holder in my drill press, with the hex shaft exposed and simply rounded it to the right diameter with a file. I cut the retaining notch and semicircular drive section on the end with a couple of sharp files...all in it took about 20 min. There are probably better explanations of this method in the archives somewhere.
i was able to order a hex bit adapter for mine from the catolog company Garrett Wade. (US company)
(sorry i have not figured out how to insert hyper links yet... or photos for that matter) they do have a web site

it works great
they also have an international order phone number so i imagine they do ship across 'the pond' :roll:
Hi Sparky,

When you look on the internet there seem to be several Yankee adaptors available in America but over here manufacturers seem to take the view that 'everyone' now uses powered screwdrivers so there isn't a market. They probably don't read this forum :roll:

Cheers :wink:

Probably, although I've not looked into it. Hardly seems worth it for such a small item, but might make sense if ordering some other things as well.

Cheers :wink:
