Yandles demo done


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Established Member
6 Jan 2007
Reaction score
Bromham, Wiltshire
OK that's Yandles spring show over and I have had a great two days demonstrating. Not that I did a huge amount of turning, kept getting stopped and being asked questions. I was really encouraged by the more experienced pros there who were really helpful and welcoming to a relative newbie. Thanks both of you. Was really encouraged by peoples comments and attitude to my 'wabi sabi' pieces on display, wasn't sure how all those woodies would take to wood with splits and holes but there were a lot of encouraging comments as well as enquirers about tuition and demonstrating at clubs. Also good to put faces to names from the forum. Two days of standing up non stop I am glad to sit down but a contented, happy turner who will sleep well tonight

Glad it went well Pete, must say the selection of turnings you took along had a variety element that was a change from many regular offerings. Should think whoever donated that little piece of Eucalyptus would be happy with your final rendering.
Thanks Chas, the little piece of eucalyptus is now little hollow form, just needs finishing off. Also had someone drop a piece of twisted yew off that will probably end up as a stand for a piece as by the time it is turned there would be nothing left of it.


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