worktop jig

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I know this is a very old thread but it came up when I was searching for making ones own worktop jig. I have a question about the shape of the 'slot' in these jigs because I am thinking of making one. Where the short slot for the 45 deg mitre meets the long slot, are the inside edges where the guide bush contacts curved at all or are they simply the intersection of two straight slots with 'hard' intersection ?
If you think you may need one more frequently, you could do what my mate did. He hired one and then used it to make 3 identical copies, he kept one, gave me and another friend one each 'just in case'. I have had mine for probably getting on for 20 years and not used it yet. It sits forlornly against the wall in my garage just waiting to be used. At that time they were about £100 each, now they can be bought quite reasonably I believe.