I'd be interested in hearing how you get on with the Sorby system.
I wasn't keen on it as it seemed expensive when I first looked at it, but once I figure in all the spare parts, abrasives and jigs that I've bought for my Worksharp 3000, I've spent about the same as the cost of the full Pro Edge kit. I find the WS3k excellent, though the working surface feels a little small at times when working with long and wide scrapers and bowl gouges etc.
The Pro Edge has all the same advantages as the WS3k that I use, except that the changing the abrasive belt seems a bit fiddly if you've dinged an edge and need to cycle down through a few grits, whereas on the worksharp, it's about as complicated as changing an old vinyl record.
I'd quite honestly be very interested in hearing how you find it, in case I ever need to change from the kit I have (You never know). Any chance you might put a set-up and use review up after a while?
On the bonus side, if you find you want to get extra grits, Micromesh MX is fantastic for putting a finishing edge on metal, and if you know the dimensions of the belt, there's an online shop at
http://www.sylmasta.com/acatalog/Micro-Mesh-Belts.html that may have the size that you need. They're pretty cheap too, for micromesh (it's usually pretty damn pricy)
Blucher, SWMBO stands for She Who Must Be Obeyed, AKA The Missus
DAMHIKT stands for Don't Ask Me How I Know That - a Useful phrase for distancing one's self a little from dodginess of all sorts :wink: