In addition to Steve's range of videos, here's a clip from a production maker showing just how versatile and repeatable the basic machine can be by the simple addition of stops ...
I think the Router Boss is a development of the Wood Rat by the USA distributor of the Wood Rat... so based on the same but with tweaks - suits my brain with the digital approach, but having watched some of the suggested videos I suspect that I could cope with the UK based Wood Rat version and would prefer the support of a UK company!The router boss (USA) is a sort of redesign (rip off?) of the 'rat, for people who think joints should be cut with a milling machine - all digital scales and maths. I suppose the 'rat is a bit too Zen for the US? All you do on the 'rat is align pencil lines with either each other or the cutter.
Can reccomend the Humphries tutorial - read, and do it with some scrap
fair point, but I guess that there is not much that would go wrong with it… the moving bits are in a router made by someone else…The woodrat owner is 85 and it looks very much like a one man operation. Just saying...
I have the files but too large to upload.Aldel used to keep a useful set of pages, but not sure if still on line?
If I buy I might be in touch!I have the files but too large to upload.
the comments are not just about the spacing and sizing of the joints, but also the angle if the cutter.I've never owned a woodrat so can't comment but I do own a Leigh super jig, the 12" version with the vac attachment which removes most of the dust and chips. I'm very happy with the jig and am a little confused by comments that the dovetails are too regular and look machine made as my Leigh is fully adjustable and I can space and size the dovetails to almost any variation a wish.