Wooden Hand Plane - Crossmark Keen & Co Glasgow


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19 Mar 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Hi, I am looking for any information on a wooden hand plane I have. It has stamped on the front of the plane and on the blade "Crossmark Keen & Co Glasgow". I have not been able to find info on the Web and was wondering if this is a Rare / unusual wooden hand plane? Does anyone know of this company? Thanks in anticipation. Woodnbull
Hello mate, and welcome.

If that was in my collection it'd be rare in that the plane and blade are matching!! Most of mine are Mathieson plane, Sorby iron. TBH these wooden planes seem to go for silly money (cheap) I love my little collection and wouldn't sell it anyway. I haven't heard of yours but that means nothing.

However at a guess I think unless it really is unusual I would venture it's monetary value as negligible. The man to ask is our resident expert Philly. A picture would help. (I'm allowed to say that now as I got my camera working!!)

Welcome again, you came to the right place to ask such a question.

Nothing listed in "British Planemakers" but there is a Tertius Keen & Co Glasgow -1900-
3rd quality planes by Alex Mathieson & Son.

Hi Glasgow rang a bell with me so into the dark basement I went
and dug out few of my old planes...lol
But it turned out to be a:
A. Mathieson & Son Wooden Jointer Plane.

Very similar to this one but not restored yet...lol

http://www.oldtools.co.uk/tools/planes_ ... .pl594.php

Have one very large Jointer by Sorby

Have scoured the web but came up with nothing... :(

Is there a thread about old wooden Planes on the forum..
Hi finally got some pics organised. You can see them (I hope) at this address:


If this doesn't work then I am on Flickr as Woodnbull and the pics are public.

Makers mark is shown on the front of the plane (impossible to see in the pics) and is punched or cast into the top of the plane blade.

Thanks for all feedback so far. Helmut (Woodnbull)

I don't know anything about the maker of your plane but looking at the pictures I would say it was someone's work horse. The mouth is wide because of the sole wearing and or being flattened and the blade is quite short due to repeated sharpening. So it should be a good user. :D 8)
Here's some pics of some of my oldies:


The front two are Mathiesons - front one with repaired/replaced handle.The one at the back is a modern 1960's one.
Fairly easy to replace the stick handle on yours.

Did you clean your planes up Harbo or was the wood in
good condition when you got them....
The ones I have are in a very poor state. Not sure how to approach
restoring them, used rust inhibitor on one blade and it just
turned it black..?
The wood was in reasonable condition - just a few paint slashes which I cleaned off with wire wool (I think - it was a time ago?).
Best not to go too mad as you will loose the "age"?
For the blade I used "milk stone remover" - phosphoric acid - you can rub off the black with wet/dry paper and wire wool with some paraffin (or WD40).
I then regrind the bevel to sound metal.

The handle, I just copied the other one, though I used some beech I laminated and stained it (badly) to try and match the colour!

Woodnbull":woiuymbs said:
Thanks for all your feedback. Looks like the maker may remain a mystery for a while yet! Regards

Bet if you stick it on eBay you would find out if it was worth
If the guys on here have no Idea think you would be hard pressed to find
someone who does....lol

Think I will leave them be Harbo and just hang them on the wall of shed
One came from an old council house, I was helping replace the floor
and it was just laying there cover in years of dust...I found one in a shed
we was dismantling..Not sure about the other two....
Hi, have tracked down another plane from this maker. Pics can be seen at: http://www.oztion.com.au/buy/auction.as ... &freepost=
So it seems they made at least 2 planes, mine and the one above. The one above appears to have sold for A$28, so it seems that rarity / scarcity does not always convert to big money?

Since they are not on the Planemaker's Database, does this mean they were a small and obscure maker? Also does anyone know if this database is similar to the very expensive book "British Planemakers from 1700" ?
As you can see I am still searching. Regards Helmut (Woodnbull)
Woodnbull":2p37mz7o said:
...to have sold for A$28, so it seems that rarity / scarcity does not always convert to big money?

Afraid not. For big money you need something rare by a famous maker (a short run, or prototype, or perversely, a tool that didn't work well enough to sell well!)

If rarity were the only arbiter of value, craftsman one-offs would be the most valuable of all!

Woodnbull":10xc4zzy said:
Hi, have tracked down another plane from this maker. Pics can be seen at: http://www.oztion.com.au/buy/auction.as ... &freepost=
So it seems they made at least 2 planes, mine and the one above. The one above appears to have sold for A$28, so it seems that rarity / scarcity does not always convert to big money?

Since they are not on the Planemaker's Database, does this mean they were a small and obscure maker? Also does anyone know if this database is similar to the very expensive book "British Planemakers from 1700" ?
As you can see I am still searching. Regards Helmut (Woodnbull)

Good find Woodnbull...just shows perseverance pays off..
shame it turned out not an expensive find :( ..
People do not know quality unless someone else has just paid
a fortune for one just like theirs.. :lol: