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Right, I recently finished off all that cabinet scraping and glued up my frame, using wedges and sash cramps. I used evo-stick interior wood glue. The picture below shows the frame today just before I took the cramps off, you can also see the wedges in the tennons.
I then cleaned up the outside edges of the stiles with my hand plane and then the scraper. I then brushed it all down, cleaned the work shop out from as much dust as possible, and setup to start putting the finish on it. Here, below you can see it before the finish gets applied.[img]
I am using Satin Pine Varnish, and here's the headboard after its first coat.
Here's a close-up of the frame's capping, that I machined up just before I glues the frame together, using a router I put the moulding on.
Here's a close-up of the joints, including the wedged mortice and tennon. The "scuff" marks you can see on the rail are were I've just scraped some dried drips off, ready for the second coat.
And now here's the headboard after its second coat, looking at this first picture (where the camera flash went off) I think I will be applying a third and final coat.
However in this second photo, where the flash did not go off, you would think a third coat is not nessecary. I will have a look at the fram again another day to see wether or not it needs the third coat. I do really like the colour in this picture though, it has a "warmth" to it.
I am really pleased with the finish on this so far. And I'm also pleased that I used the cabinet scrapers rather than sandpaper. When you look at the timber and how nice it is and feels, you know you could not have achieved the same result with sandpaper! Please leave me your comments on this once again, thanks!
(I'll be posting a final few pictures with or without the third coat, when it's fitted to the bed its intended for!)