Winter Project Ideas

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30 Aug 2009
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Normally I wouldn't have a problem like this but for some reason this year the inspiration just isn't coming so hopefully someone can help me out...

For the last few years I've ended up taking most of my annual leave around Christmas and this year is no exception. Rather than spend the time working on the house I've taken to trying my hand at a (crazy) project. A couple of years ago, for example, I built myself a belt sander (there's a thread about around here somewhere). I've also built other less impressive things like LED lamps, little kit robots, etc.

This year I've got a ton of time off so I want to complete a big project but I can't decide on something to make :roll:. I've always wanted to build a CNC machine, and I'm tempted to give it a go, but I'm currently lacking a lot of my normal workshop tools due to one thing or another so I'm concerned I won't be able to make it accurately enough for it to be worth it. Other ideas I've come up with include a small bandsaw, a solar powered autonomous lawn mower and a ball launcher so the dog can play fetch on her own :D. None of them are really calling out to me at the moment though.

So, there's my dilemma, all ideas for projects gratefully received.
I have found that making a chair which converts into steps can take quite a long time!
I have plenty of experience of projects like that :).

One thing I plan on doing it fixing the PT which seized up more than a year ago now. I think a bearing on the in feed rolled seized and it shredded the main power transfer gear (which is plastic). Until that's fixed "fine" woodworking is rather on hold. I fancy making something that is computer controlled, I know the programming side of things well and the engineering I enjoy but I've never managed to bring the two together hence the CNC project idea.
Wobbly, here's a thought.......

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon sharpening all my plane and chisel blades using my Tormek. Those familiar with this machine will know how boring it is going side to side pressing the blade on to the stone.

Hours of repetitive finger ache.

While working away I thought, what if I could make a little motorised attachment which would pull and push the blade across the stone, and I could just watch drinking a cup of coffee and smoking my trusty pipe.

I am sure there is a market for a little gadget like this. A worthwhile project to my mind.

That's not a bad idea and I agree it's a pretty dull job which is why I don't sharpen things as much as I probably should. I suspect, however, that would prove to be a deceptively complicated project as it would have to apply pressure to the back of the chisel and move it back and forth. I think you'd need a two bar runner system (rather than the one bar the machine currently has) so that you can apply pressure to the chisel but that then complicates setting the grinding angle as the stone reduces in diameter.

I'm sure I'm probably teaching my granny to suck eggs but... I now sharpen my chisels with the wheel coming towards the chisel. You got to be careful not to catch the wheel but the grind is much faster and the finish is excellent. Don't forget to give the stone a damn good dressing if it's not cutting well.
Yes, the pressure issue would need to be resolved. Also flexibility on set up, to accommodate different blade widths and the diameter of the stone.

I have a feeling that I already sharpen with the wheel spinning forward. Strange, as I wondered why the power button was on the back of the machine!

Good luck in your search for a fun and worthwhile project.

Cheers, SWMBO is trying to convince me to build the CNC. I've told her it's going to cost a fortune but that hasn't put her off. I'm seriously tempted, the problem is that if I do it then I want to be able to machine aluminium and from what I've read that ups the cost significantly. There's noting else for it, I'm just going to have to win the lottery.
wobblycogs":2jsyc3ck said:
Normally I wouldn't have a problem like this but for some reason this year the inspiration just isn't coming so hopefully someone can help me out...

For the last few years I've ended up taking most of my annual leave around Christmas and this year is no exception. Rather than spend the time working on the house I've taken to trying my hand at a (crazy) project. A couple of years ago, for example, I built myself a belt sander (there's a thread about around here somewhere). I've also built other less impressive things like LED lamps, little kit robots, etc.

This year I've got a ton of time off so I want to complete a big project but I can't decide on something to make :roll:. I've always wanted to build a CNC machine, and I'm tempted to give it a go, but I'm currently lacking a lot of my normal workshop tools due to one thing or another so I'm concerned I won't be able to make it accurately enough for it to be worth it. Other ideas I've come up with include a small bandsaw, a solar powered autonomous lawn mower and a ball launcher so the dog can play fetch on her own :D. None of them are really calling out to me at the moment though.

So, there's my dilemma, all ideas for projects gratefully received.

You can come and help me with my belt sander, so far I have the plans, the motor, the wood, 700mm of 25mm drawn steel rod and 2 x 25mm pillow bearings, now all I need is some nerves.

Or you could build a walking table

Or a completely useless machine.

Love the walking table, I'm going to stick that down on the list of things to make one day.

I'm intrigued by your design for the belt sander with only two bearings. Mine has four with the belt running off to one side. I could see a way to get it down to three bearings if you had a direct drive off the motor but that wouldn't be ideal.
wobblycogs":1de688xa said:
Love the walking table, I'm going to stick that down on the list of things to make one day.

I'm intrigued by your design for the belt sander with only two bearings. Mine has four with the belt running off to one side. I could see a way to get it down to three bearings if you had a direct drive off the motor but that wouldn't be ideal.


The design is here, There's a link on there to a video of the thing working.

Would love to hear from you with any information as to any problems to look out for.

Question, how did you attach the discs to the shaft?

Ah, we were talking at cross purposes. I was talking about a fixed belt sander like this:

Looking at that design though I'd say there's only really one thing that I think you'll struggle with and that is getting the drum round enough. I made rollers our of MDF which I turned on the lathe. They seem perfectly round but once they are up and spinning on the sander there's still some vibration. Perhaps consider coating the drum with a very thin layer of dense foam.

The only other comment I'd have about that design is that it doesn't have a powered feed which I think will limit the cut.
I agree, complete genius at work with, have you seen the one that can store pressurized air in old drinks bottles for when the wind isn't blowing?

Anyway, I must thank everyone for their suggestions there are some really good ideas. LOML has, however, convinced me to give the CNC a try so I'm madly researching it so that hopefully I can get started next month. Who knows, if it works I might try building a walking table with it :)

I have been doing a lot of reading up on the Sander as well as a CNC, found this page where (as usual) there are a lot of hobbyists who are a minefield of information and willing to help, there may even be someone who lives near you.

Cheers Andy, I'm already on mycncuk with the same name as here if you happen to be over there. As we speak I'm reading a few build logs with the aim of starting my own tomorrow. They seem a nice bunch of guys over there and there's a good number that know what they're talking about. Right, back to research...
That's where I get a lot of my inspiration from. I also browse Make but I'm not so keen on their format.