window cleaning

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Established Member
29 Apr 2004
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W. Yorks.
Hya folks, could someone tell me the easiest way to get adhesive off a window after removing stick-on leading?, it's been on about 15 years.
Thanks in anticipation
I do this almost every day.

Soapy water and a razor/paint scraper will get most of it off and keep it together. Go over it again with lighter fluid or similar to get any smears.

Good luck
if it's the same stuff as on ours, you'll be stuck with it. We have tried everything, even industrial cleaners and solvents and still won't shift it.
Depending on what the adhesive is, nail varnish remover, meths, lighter fuel and razor blades have all proved successful for me in the past.

Another tip to try is after applying the solvent/cleaner place a sheet of newspaper or kitchen roll over the area and leave for ten or so minutes.

hi pip, do as the rest say, then when its all off i get a bucket of not so very hot water, put in a good capful fo dishwasher stuff, like finnish, but it must be the gel type, mix it about in the bucket then get a good cloth wring it out but not too much and rub all over window to wash, then get a squeegee like window cleaners use and take a swipe accross the top l to r after each stroke wipe the sqeegee i.e. after evey stroke, resul sparkling windows with no smears. i do it all the time. good luck and let us know how you get on.
Thanks guys, eldest lad tried a s/e razor blade & meths, says he'll finish the job this weekend, will let you know how he gets on
Happy to say my eldest son did the job today, he used meths, stanley knife blade with ins.tape round top and one of those green scouring pads, took him 3 hours to do the porch, but he said "No problems".
Hope he's doing some painting tomorrow :wink: