Why does the UK hate galvanized hardware?


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Established Member
22 Sep 2010
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Frome, Somerset, UK
I grew up in Australia where one can readily buy hot-dipped galvanized just about anything (bolts, nuts, hinges, latches, grandmothers, etc.). Of course you can also get cheaper lighter duty wiped on galvanised (still dull grey) and shiny zinc coated hardware. I was always led to beleive a galvaized coating is a superior rust inhibitor than the shiny zinc coating.

I've just been to B&Q where I could not find any galvanised bolts, nuts or hinges. This is true for other UK harware stores (Focus, Homebase, etc.).

I just wonder why galvanized hardware is so rare in the UK? Is it simply economics or has shiny zinc coating technology made it a better alternative to galvanization? Perhaps it's fashion where the average Joe public prefers shiny things to dull grey things?
The cynic in me says the reason is built in obsolescence. Where's the profit is selling something thats lasts forever?

Plenty of galvanised stuff on screwfix.com

FWIW I have a similar problem here.

I've never had any problems getting hold of galvanised hardware; but then I don't shop in B&Q :wink:

Try any decent timber/builder merchant and I'm sure you'll be spoilt for choice.
Hot dip galv is far superior for outdoors., but dearer than bzp.

Specialist suppliers have fittings and fsteners in HD galv....

We use Precision Profiles for galv nuts and bolts.
Well I'll be, there's a Mole Valley right here in Frome. I'll give it a good look over the next free day I have.

I'm usually forced to shop at B&Q, Focus, Homebase, etc. because trade stores (there are a few in Frome) usually close at midday Sat. and I invariably find need stuff on Sun. afternoon :roll:
Have you tried Point-Vert (the french version of MVF methinks) more usefull than MrBrico and cheaper than Catena