Personally, I think the reason for a scroll saw section is that with the possible exception of band saw boxes, the scroll saw is the only machine which is used solely to produce a finished article such as ornaments of various kinds, intarsia, marquetry, etc, etc (O.K. perhaps with the addition of a little bit of sanding or routing machinery sometimes).
Certainly I can't think of another machine which is used solely to produce a finished article, apart from the above band saw boxes example. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. :roll:
In addition to that, the UK, and indeed I think the whole of mainland Europe, is pretty poor when it comes to catering for scroll sawing (or whatever you want to call it), certainly when compared to the USA. So perhaps this Forum saw a need (sorry!) and decided to cater for it? Our scroll saw section is certainly pretty well visited anyway.
As to having a separate section just for machinery, personally I agree with other posts, I look at just about everything, including turning for example (in which I have no more than a passing general interest) so for me it doesn't matter what section a new post comes from, if the title looks interesting I open it.
In addition we already have a section "Buying Advice & Tool Reviews" which often covers machinery of all sorts - including band saws.
And finally, the more separate sections there are the more difficult it can become for a new poster to decide in which section to enter his/her new subject post.
So personally I'm more than happy with the status quo.
(Sorry phil.p, I don't remember "N0legs excellent epistle". Care to enlighten me/us?)