I was one of the participants in a thread a while ago, and was on the lookout for one at the time. But since then a nice one floated my way on the bay.
If only I could free the rusty nut holding the stone on, I'd be even happier (occasional heat, regular applications of WD40, and judicious taps with a hammer have so far failed).
Bodgermatic was the originator of that thread, but it seems he hasn't been here for a couple of weeks now.
Chris and Paul, thanks for the tips. I'm not sure if it's a left-hand thread problem since I can't get any movement in either direction yet.
I was sadly ignorant of the nut splitter (just googled it). I have resorted to the Dremel in similar situations and it may yet come to that, but I'm prepared to try gentle persuasion and chemical inducement for a while longer
Yep! Solid cast iron, the wheel is good, 200mil by 40 mil, There is no blade rest, if one was ever fitted. Make unknown, no sign of a maker's mark, perhaps a stuck on label that has vanished. If you want some pics let me know.
Instead of WD40 try one of the avaible rust remover liquids or a light acid. Also you might be able to see if its a left running thread by glimpsing down at the end of the thread. If not possible sometimes its possible to poke with a thin piece of somthing.