Do give it a rest. Please!
too close to talking about woodworking for your tastes?
Do give it a rest. Please!
Who has been after him?....
unless you faced getting locked up for criticizing someones "lifestyle"......
in which case you'd might take some lessons from Jordon Peterson about that.
I hear they've been after him for quite a while.
Yes. I've never claimed to be anything other than a rank beginner/wood butcher. I visit here in the hope of learning something useful, but end up reading your boastful put downs of other woodworkers.too close to talking about woodworking for your tastes?
Is that reason enough for anyone to discredit actual techniques?, I think not,Yes. I've never claimed to be anything other than a rank beginner/wood butcher. I visit here in the hope of learning something useful, but end up reading your boastful put downs of other woodworkers.
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your point is.Is that reason enough for anyone to discredit actual techniques?, I think not,
unless one has already put their eggs in one basket.
You folks do know there's a mute button on youtube, you don't need to listen,
just see with your eyes.
Can't argue with sensible woodworking.
Yes. I've never claimed to be anything other than a rank beginner/wood butcher. I visit here in the hope of learning something useful, but end up reading your boastful put downs of other woodworkers.
Just compare all folks approaches, generally the folks who's really got something to say, can back it up if you seek it out.I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your point is.
I've yet to see cosman make even one useful video where I've thought 'ah yes that's really good I'll try that' literally nothing he's ever done, but instead of moaning about it I just don't watch it and move on.Just compare all folks approaches, generally the folks who's really got something to say, can back it up if you seek it out.
There's a lot of absolute bull about which is plain to see, if you compare.
One's opinion or feelings, is best not compromised by way of their wallet.
This happens a lot, as is evident in lots of ways.
Some may dislike Cosman even more, but I'd rather be fooled into buying a tool that I didn't need rather than useless information, as I could sell one, but not the other.
All the best
Just because you might be familiar with much sensible methods of his,I've yet to see cosman make even one useful video where I've thought 'ah yes that's really good I'll try that' literally nothing he's ever done, but instead of moaning about it I just don't watch it and move on.
It's fair to say that cosman is 100% a conman and snake oil salesman, I have actually watched some videos all the way through and still get nothing from it, I'm not one of these people with ultra short attention spans, in fact the more I watch it the more baffled I am by him and the more I dislike him.Just because you might be familiar with much sensible methods of his,
i.e not planing a panel in a vice, or not sawing into your bench,
doesn't mean that it may be new to other newcomers.
Fair to say the work is much more honest than the other chap.
All my planes have wooden handles, but doing a quick search, I see this has come up before, and on this forum. It seems PS wrote about it 6 years ago. I suppose what puzzles me is why you think he'd make something like that up - just because you've never come across the problem doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't happened. I've never suffered from gout.
Maybe he's planning to market a range of beech upgrade plane handles?
To be honest, the whole "lifestyle" bit irritates me too - much more so in his written stuff than the videos, but I wouldn't think to denigrate his value as a teacher based on that. His grammar's not too hot either, but he has been making stuff for a living for many years, whereas, with all due respect, I get the impression that D_W is more of a hobbyist.
It's fair to say that cosman is 100% a conman and snake oil salesman, I have actually watched some videos all the way through and still get nothing from it, I'm not one of these people with ultra short attention spans, in fact the more I watch it the more baffled I am by him and the more I dislike him.
eh?I don't think it's reasonable to believe you can really create a business like either paul or rob has and offer a ladder of true improvement and perhaps resulting in things like lonnie bird's students make, or NBSS students. the number of people who actually get involved and who will want to do that is too small, and the second a group of new beginners is looking for the "three chord song book" equivalent and you're talking about something a level up, they'll look for the next guy.
it's necessity.
If you can manage to get past D_W's off putting kind of know-it-all attitude you'll find that he has good information to offer. I sympathize with his attitude regarding the output of the internet gurus. I opinion is that their objective is to create content to be consumed, whether it is useful or gets you past the novice stage is not their main goal.All my planes have wooden handles, but doing a quick search, I see this has come up before, and on this forum. It seems PS wrote about it 6 years ago. I suppose what puzzles me is why you think he'd make something like that up - just because you've never come across the problem doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't happened. I've never suffered from gout.
Maybe he's planning to market a range of beech upgrade plane handles?
To be honest, the whole "lifestyle" bit irritates me too - much more so in his written stuff than the videos, but I wouldn't think to denigrate his value as a teacher based on that. His grammar's not too hot either, but he has been making stuff for a living for many years, whereas, with all due respect, I get the impression that D_W is more of a hobbyist.
If you can manage to get past D_W's off putting kind of know-it-all attitude you'll find that he has good information to offer.
It would be a fairly meaningless poll, as this forum is majority UK based, and the stuff I read was talking about the plastic becoming brittle at very low temperatures. The sample size would be miniscule, in my opinion.I guess here's a poll - who here used an undamaged plastic handled stanley plane and broke the handles on it.
I hate to say it (OK, I don't actually) , but I have broken handles on several planes. I just broke a plastic handle on a belt sander, and breaking them gave a clue as to how and why the breaks in various plane handles are where they are. Almost without exception, handle breaks in wooden and metal planes are due to someone dropping the plane. it doesn't have to be far.
I've dropped a bunch of saws by accident, too
Stanley planes with plastic handles won't suffer a drop too well. the ones with hard rubber probably would.
wooden planes can fall and land on their *sides* without the handle hitting the floor and the handle will break off even when it's flexed all over the place for hundreds of board feet of wood.
You are right, I am an amateur. I could make tools professionally, but I choose not to. I have occasionally made things out of wood for people / community organizations locally and fixed things on offer of being paid, but then choose not to accept payment for them. That's a personal thing for me, which direction do I want to go and who do I want to make things for. I do often charge for materials and consumables when making tools or knives, but nothing more. it seems not unfair to me if I'm sure that the item being made is comparable to something that would cost 5 times as much made at profit, for example.
The person reason that I don't just shut down all of the experimenting and just make things for pay is I watched my mother do it. She was sort of a wide eyed artist, but at some point, she got frustrated with what she could get for her artwork and started making painted stuff for the craft circuit. And she began to really like the feedback and the satisfaction of getting paid. She did it for 40 years and completely dropped everything that she really otherwise enjoyed.
as soon as you start offering things for sale, I've already had the problem with chisels a little bit - you begin to get emails from people you don't know asking if you'll make them something because they got a hold of a couple of your tools, and it would take little time to fall into the trap of having that be all consuming, even though you could charge and make money. People will try to throw money at you and offer ridiculous amounts - would they follow through and pay? i don't know. I'll do something professionally when I retire and there is time to do the curious part and the paying part.