Where to buy Wood?


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19 Oct 2009
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Hi all,
I fancy making something - looking for suitable projects at the moment - but also wondering where I can get the wood.

I went to B and Q - but they only have what looks like fairly low quality softwood, MDF, and plywood.

This is the sort of thing I've used before to make shelves and do DIY stuff.

But where do you go for proper wood if you only want small quantities?

How small of quantities?

If you lived close to me and needed small quantities you could buy from me at the same cost i pay as i go to the wholesaler quite frequently. There would only be a nominal extra cost for planing if you needed that done.

I'm sure some of the bigger shops would help you out. I thought of off sales for planed wood for smaller guys just to get my volumes up. So i'm sure others have thought the same.

The only thing is if you were picking out the best bits you'd have to pay a bit more as the shop will be left with less valuable wood that they have to either find something to use it for or sell it for less to get rid of it.
Depends where in London you are Sean. My current favourite is Morgan's in Rochester, but I'm in the right corner down on the Kent border so it's only a 20min drive. For small quantities a lot of people recommend South London Hardooods in Croydon (I think) who will even ship small amounts by post I'm told - be prepared to pay quite high prices though.
As well as knowing where abouts you are, we also need to get an idea of what you are making and what timber you want to use.

Buying timber, even when you've been doing this a while, can be daunting.
I'm in Hackney, London - near the A12 so going East of London is easyish - going West takes ages

I was thinking of starting by making a toolbox as I've spent the last few days sharpening chisels that I'd left to ratlle around in a big plastic box!

I'm not really sure what to make after that - just looking for projects at the moment - maybe something like a coffee table

You're right this is daunting..

I was wistfully hoping someone would be able to tell me there's a great little woodworkers hobbyshop somewhere ...

But it sounds like the only place to get wood is at timber merchants who mostly deal with trade

... hmmm - this project may take longer to get started than I hoped.

Don't be too put off by timber merchants, few if any are trade only and if you've money to spend I'd be surprised if you were turned away anywhere. The trick is finding one who doesn't treat you like an idiot if you're not "in the trade" and hanging doors all day long. I have a branch of Alsford Timber practically at the end of my road, but poor customer service in this regard has lost them a great deal of trade from me over the years. Hackney to Rochester isn't too bad a trip (if you avoid busy times at the tunnel :evil: :roll: ) so if you can make it down there ask for Keith and be amazed at the helpfullness. Alternatively you may find that T&T Timber in Walthamstow can help.
If I wasn't going into hospital next week I could probably sort you out with some wood. Morgan's down in Rochester is worth the trip but if you didn't want to travel that far the SL Hardwoods are geared up for the hobbiest (with prices to match).
I cannot recommend Catford Timber highly enough. If you want timber milled (i.e. finished hardwood or softwood that's not a standard size) then give them a call with your requirements beforehand and they'll prepare it all ready to be collected. They deliver too but you'd need to talk to them about deliveries to your area. Without exception every single person working there provides first class service and they welcome inexperienced customers.

Visit their website and you can access PDF's of nearly all of the material they sell so you can spend time working out what you want, the dimensions, and the price.
SL Hardwoods are excellent in dealing with chimps. No patronising, offers of bananas etcetera. They even let you in to the cutting shed, if you ask nicely. Good place.
Try Enfield Timber Company in Enfield, reasonably close to Hackney.
They have a limited range of hardwood in stock but should be good for starters.
I have only been there once (as I found a supplier closer to me) but they were friendly and let me into the wood store.

Thanks all

Enfield and Catford look like the best bets

It definitely helps me that Catford has a price list online

Time to start planning a project now :)

Sean :)