What variety of trade would be able to fix this?


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Established Member
5 Jan 2017
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UK and Boston Massachusetts
Just noticed my pareing
chisel is cracking up, we have lots of stainless steel people in the town, would they be able to do brass?
Can you not just protect the wood handle and solder it? Brass is easy to solder.
True, but you need braze or silver solder to have any strength, and this needs a higher temperature. It would be better to get the ferrule off first.

I'd replace the ferrule anyway. Plenty available on eBay. I have a modest selection, and would be happy to send you one if I have the size. I can't quite see how the chisel is fitted - you might need to get it out of the handle and fit the ferrule before the chisel is re-inserted. And you might need to do that in order to measure the internal diameter of the ferrule.
As MM said, break the ferrule all the way off and if the chisel is narrower than the bore of the ferrule you can just slip a replacement over it, if not you’ll have to pull the chisel out.

Absolutely no point trying to repair the existing.
They are not difficult to replace. Get the chisel out of the handle and find the diameter of the ferrule - the replacement should have a chamfer on the inside edge to help you get it on.
G&M Tools - Search Results ferrules are good if you can't find a single one.

Brass is easy to silver solder or braze, but you'd get it far too hot to do it on the handle, and realistically it has split because it's thin. It would still be thin after you'd soldered or brazed it.
If its just replacing that ferrule, you can probably do it yourself if you can find a replacement of the same size. The handle will have to be removed from the tang which you should be able to knock off with a hammer and a block of wood.
They often crack through damp storage. The wood swells and splits the ferrule. The ferrules fixed by punching a divot in the ferrule will usually split there.

Brass tube is fine, though you need to de-burr it well if you use pipe cutters on it.
Thanks Woody that’s brilliant, thank you for selection of sizes, mine eg 3/4 x11/16. It doesn’t say but I would presume that the first measurement is the diameter? If so that’s exactly what I want. Cheers
There's a very good You Tube video by Paul Sellers on making and replacing chisel handles